Making love

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"Are you sure harry?"

"Yes zayn I'm sure please...I want this i wanna forget and actually feel loved" he says close to tears. My heart hurts hearing those words come from him. I wanna love him but how when I Can't love myself.

"Babe Y-you love me" I ask."I dont know zayn i do know i feel sparks and butterflies when you touch me...please make love to me" I nodded my head smiling kissing his lips softly climbing on top of him kissing every inch of his chest and neck. Loving the way goosebumps rise on his skin with every kiss and touch I put on his body.

"Z-zayn please" he whined. I smirk taking off his shirt and pants, mouth watering at the beautiful sight of his lace panties hugging his hips so perfectly.

"Fuck harry what are you doing to me" I say kissing his thighs making him shiver.

"T-touch me please" He begged looking at me pleadingly. I take off his panties with my teeth seeing him bite his lip.

"Hands and knees harry" I say moving away so he can turn around. Once he did I gave his right ass cheek a firm smack.

"Z-zayn do that again" he moaned. I smack his ass a couple more times seeing his ass turn red as a cherry.

"Fuck princess may I have a taste" I say not even hearing his answer diving my tongue right into his pretty pink hairless hole.

"o-oh god z-zayn" He whimpered as i thrust my tongue slowly in and out of him.

"M-more fuck more z-zayn p-please"

I pull my tongue out sucking two fingers pushing them into him slowly, loving the way his hungry hole sucks them right up.

"Fuck you feel so tight i cant wait to be inside you" I say thrusting my fingers in and out of him hearing his moans echo throughout the room and god was it beautiful. I added a third finger watching the way he would thrust back just to have them go deeper.

"z-zayn fuck...p-please i want you now p-please" he pleaded gripping the sheets. I pull my fingers out of him turning him over taking off my clothes.

"Spit" I say to him holding my hand out.

"Ew why" he says making me roll my eyes.

"I mean if you want me to go in raw then thats all you youre gonna be in hella more pain" I say

"Fine" he spits in my hand. I grab my dick lubing it all around with his spit.

"You ready" i ask watching him look at my cock with hungry eyes.

"Y-yes god you look amazing" I smirk not saying anything pushing into him slowly. He tenses up biting his lip.

"Babe you have to relax it will be better" I say wrapping his legs around me.

"o-ok-OKAY" he screams as i push all the way into him.

"Zayn y-you son of a b-bitc-" i cut him off kissing him thrusting slowly as possible moaning in his mouth of how tight he feels around me.

"O-oh fuck faster" He says once hes used to it. I hold his legs up thrusting fast and deep into him. Hearing his beautiful moans echo off the walls. Watching his eyes roll back or when he arches his back.

"Fuck p-princess i can fuck you all fucking day"'I say slapping his ass.

"ZAYN FUCK R-RIGHT THERE" he screamed scratching my back as i found his prostate hitting it over and over hearing his delicious screams fill my ears.

"S-so close" He says muttering incoherent words.

"Cum baby" I say thrusting harder into him watch him release his load on his chest and my stomach.

After thrusting a few more times I cum deep inside him pulling out watching my cum slowly seep out of him. Before it hits the bed I swipe it up pushing it into his mouth watching moan around my fingers.

"S-so good zee" He says. I lay beside him pulling him to my chest.

"Sleep princess" i say pecking his lips.

"I-I love you" He says.

I stared at him in shock. So many thoughts racing in my mind.

Do i love him?

Can i love him?

Will he even love me after i kill his father??

Hell his mother too??

"H-harry i-"

" WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON" We hear a voice boom from downstairs.



Dun Dun Dun Dun


Yall get ready for hell

How did desmond find zayns place??

What do you think is gonna happen??

What was missing in this chapter😏?

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