I Need you

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Why did i tell him to leave knowing thats the last thing i wanted him to do. Zayn probably hates me. I haven't seen him in 3 days which means 3 days of getting yelled at and pushed around.

My father told me niall had gone missing and all i could do was nod. I honestly dont care about what happened to him or where he went. he hurt me more than anyone in this world. I trusted him with everything only to be almost raped by him.

Its your fault

My conscious had said to me. If i would had just gave into him maybe things would be okay. Right?

but what about zayn harold ?

Still feel likes its my fault....I just want zayn to hold me. I get up wiping my fallen tears taking a quick shower getting out pulling on some leggings and a sweat shirt quietly sneaking out my room.

"Harry where are you going" My father boomed behind me making me stop dead in my tracks.

"F-for a run"I gulp turning to look at him. "Are you lying to me harry" he says walking dangerously close to me grabbing my wrist. I bit my lip to keep a sob from escaping my lips.

"N-No daddy i-im not i swear" I say looking down. "Look at me when im talking to you goddamn it" he spat making me jump in fear looking at him tearing up.

"You will be home at 5:30 no later. If you're not back by then you will wish you were never born do you understand me" making me nod my head fastly.

"Get.out.my.sight" he glares. I ran out the house as fast as I can running down the road as fast as my legs can take me.

once I seen the familiar mansion and people sparing or fighting in front of the house i immediately walked in seeing people turn there head turns towards me.


"Boss harry is here" I hear one of my gang members say making me look at him.

"what seriously" I say clearly shocked making him nod his head.

"we didnt let him in hes at the front door"

"Ill get him" I get up from my chair going downstairs going to the door opening it.

"I-I need you" He spoke curls falling over his beautiful face green eyes that i grown to adore into a sad grey.

"Come here baby" I spoke watching him jump into my arms burying his face in my neck.

I pick him up walking into my room laying him down on my bed laying next to him.

"Zayn I cant stay there" He tears up. I stroke his cheek with my thumb not really knowing what to say.

"Zayn I like you so much....youre keeping me sane baby and i hope you feel the same" He sniffles looking in my eyes.

"Baby i like you too...honestly i was just messing with your feelings but then I grew to like and care for you...i hate seeing you hurt or in pain baby" I say pecking his sweet pink lips.'

"zayn" he says looking in my eyes.

"yes baby"

"Make love to me" He says.


okay wow harry.

do you think harry is in the right state of mind??

should there be smutt next chapter??

should there be drama next chapter??

Yall i really hate desmond in this!!!

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