What the fuck?!

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He was all I can think about. Ive been trying to make a better plan to kill his father and to take harry away from that cold hearted place. Ive been wanting to see him ever since i got out the hospital.

"Sir desmond is having an event in a couple months" Nathan says also a fellow member.

"Whats this event??"

"His son will be getting married to another well knows gang member" Making me tense up.

"What?" I say jaw clenching.

"One of the inside men said that he wants harry to be with someone as powerful as him so he's making his son be-wed Dean Winchester" Nathan says.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me" I growl throwing things off my desk.

"When is this fucking wedding??"

"In two months sir"

"Get all the men up here we got shit to do" I say determined.


Harrys getting married🤔🤔Whatttttt...

Sorry its short but it will be longer next chapter❤️❤️

What do you think zayn will do once he finds out harrys pregnant??

How do you feel about the news?

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