Chapter 2: How Things Change

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   "Da, it's been years, I doubt Hiccup'll remember me," Merida complained.

    "Shush, Lass, yer mum might hear," Fergus told his daughter.

    "I'm serious, what will we talk about?" Merida asked him in a quieter voice.

    "I dinnae know, ye'll think o' somethin'," Fergus assured her.

    "But, what if he doesn't want to be around me?" Merida asked.

    "Who wouldn't like to hang around with ye? Besides, I'm sure he's the same lad he was before, and that lad love nothing more than going troll hunting with ye," Fergus reassured her.

    "I hope yer right," Merida mumbled.

    "Yer majesty! Le'ers from B-!" A messenger came in yelling with a letter in hand.

    Fergus and Merida quickly shushed him. Elinor was in the other room after all and they didn't want her to hear.

    "Be quiet, Lad, this is a surprise for the queen," Fergus scolded him lightly.

    "My apologizes, here is the le'er from Berk," the messenger told them as he handed him a stack, "and the le'ers from the Lords."

    "Thank ye- Wait ,what?" Fergus asked.

    "The Lords? What dae they want?" Merida asked. Fergus shrugged and looked at the letters.

    "Fergus? Did I hear the messenger?" Elinor asked and walked over.

    Fergus quickly hid the letter from Berk behind him and showed her the other letters.

    "Yes, darlin'. Here ye go, dae ye know why they sent them?" He asked her.

    "They must be respondin' to the le'er I sent them," Elinor told them.

    "What le'er?" Merida asked cautiously.

Last time her mother had sent out letters to all of the Lords, the kingdom was almost destroyed. It had been Merida's fault, and she knew better now, but she still didn't want to be taken by surprise.

    "Well, ever since it was decided that ye would all get to choose whom ye would marry, all of ye have yet to choose. So, I thought, why not host a special gathering where ye'll all be able to meet other people yer age from other kingdoms?" Elinor explained.

    "What?! Ye're going to force me to choose someone again?!" Merida asked.

    "No, no, no! Ye dinnae have to chose anyone, but if ye do meet someone who fancies yer eye, ye can start a courtship, with chaperones, and see where that leads," Elinor explained to diffuse the situation.

    Merida thought about it and realized that it wouldn't be so bad, she didn't have to chose anyone after all. Besides, it probably wouldn't happen until after the Haddock's visit.

    "Aye, it doesn't sound bad. When is it?" Merida hesitantly agreed.

    "It starts in 4 days, the lords will probably arrive in 2 days judgin' from their le'ers," Elinor told them and skimmed through the letters. 

    Merida and Fergus quickly looked at each other with wide eyes.

    "In 2 days?!" They asked in unison.

    "Aye, I'm sorry it's so short notice darlin', but don't worry. Ye'll still have 2 days to talk to the Lords' children since many o' them are around yer age. If ye dinnae want to walk around by yerself they can accompany ye, which I would honestly prefer," Elinor said, "Oh! I'll go get the preparations ready."

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