Chapter 10: Searching

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It turns out that finding the triplets and Lilias was not hard at all. They just had to follow the sound of maniacal laughter, the screams of terror, and the smell of burning wood.

"Aye, they're in for it now," Merida groaned.

"To be honest, terrorizing people when they first see a dragon is quite fun," Hiccup stated.

Merida frowned and Hiccup laughed.

"You should try it sometime," he suggested and flew down.

The women were grabbing any kids and animals- taking them away while the men grabbed buckets of water and poured it on the fire. The kids were flying above them and having a riot.

"Please be careful Young Masters and Lady! These beasts could tear you apart!" some people pleaded the children, not knowing they were the true masterminds.

"Everyone! The dragons are really nothing to worry about," Hiccup tried to reason.

A woman screamed and pointed toward Toothless.

"Princess watch out!" a man exclaimed.

He and a group of men left the buckets of water and traded them for swords. They ran towards Toothless, but Merida stood in between them.

"Stop! He's not dangerous!" Merida ordered.

The men stopped but kept their swords raised. Merida turned to Toothless and scratched him under the chin. Toothless immediately melted at her touch. The men stood baffled and lowered their swords.

"We have more important matters. You all need to put the fire out and try to remove anything else that's close that could possibly catch on fire," Merida instructed.

"You must be a really good Princess," Hiccup commented.

"Why do you say that?" Merida asked.

"Between putting out a raging fire and rescuing you, they chose to rescue you," Hiccup replied.

Merida shoved him playfully and walked closer to where her brothers and Lillias were.

"Ye devils are in so much trouble!" Merida exclaimed.

Lillias giggled at their pouting faces.

"You too Lillias!" Merida added.

"Says who?" Lillias taunted.

"You're future Queen," Merida replied.

Lillias looked directly at her making Merida notice her brown eyes were now russet.

"Lillias, just come down so we can speak," Merida reasoned.

Lillias shook her head, frustrating Merida. The triplets just watched as Lillias and their sister argued. Good thing they had grabbed a couple of pastries. They realized the whole "destroying half the festival" thing wasn't good, but they were also having fun watching everyone freak out so they opted to follow Lillias.

Lillias suddenly stopped and looked around.

"What's going on?" she whispered.

She looked down and noticed she was riding Hookfang.

"A dragon!" she exclaimed.

"Lillias! Stop playing around and get down here this instant before I personally ground you," Merida ordered.

"What!? Ye can't do that!" Lillias retorted.

"I'm your future Queen there are very few things I cannot do," Merida replied.

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