Chapter 3- A New Family

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Chapter 3

London, UK

October 2021

"Come on Ani, it's only for three days!" Sonakshi Jaisingh, Vikram's wife, screamed at Annika for the fifth time in thirty minutes.

"Sona, I cannot! There is so much work to do; you know I have f-

"Four birthday parties, an annual party, an engagement party and two weddings in that week! I know! I know it is hectic but what are your assistants for? They can handle it, and you will be having your phone the entire time! And the resort has free WiFi, so you can do all Skype chats with your clients, I will give you permission for that. But you have to come!" Sonakshi whined like a four-year old, making Annika chuckle.

"Sona, I-

"Ani," Sona said, taking a deep breath calmly, sitting beside Annika in her office, linking her arm in hers, "You haven't had a holiday in one year! The last time you went was almost fifteen months ago and we had gone to Pulborough, remember? Aryan is going to be three years old! It's his birthday! And you know Vikram does not like a flashy party, that's why we are just doing this super small thing for our son!"

"Exactly, it's your son's birthday, Vikram and you should be celebrating it alone, I don't want to be kabab main haddi!"

"I swear to God Ani, if you say that again I will literally strangle you in your own office! Kabab main haddi? Seriously? You think we will think that? You know what? We had decided to not do anything huge for Aryan's third, just this small holiday, if you even call a three-day thing a holiday. And the only people we want to be there is you and your little girl. Think of her, she is Aryan's elder sister; wouldn't she want to be a part of this family get together? She loves him so much, you love him so much, and this is your godchild's birthday Ani! Please, pretty please with a hundred cherries on top! Ple-"

"Oh God, fine I will come, stop being a drama queen!" Annika laughed as Sona jumped from the sofa, dancing a weird victory dance.

"Yippee! I knew the emotional blackmail works on you every time!" She exclaimed as Annika pursed her lips and shook her head, trying to hold her laughter in.

She got up and walked towards her desk when Sona's mobile rang and was quickly picked up.

"Vikram, where are you? We are waiting, it's already four! Ok, ok, we will meet you at the entrance. See you soon. Bye! Ani!"




"Let's go, don't you have to pack? We will leave tonight itself! Come on, hurry up!" Sona ushered Annika, closing her files and gathering random sheets of paper in a bundle, as Annika tried to stop her.

"What? Tonight? I thought we will leave tomorrow? You said tomorrow!"

"Yeah, I lied. Now hurry, they are reaching in five! First we will drop you home, and then we will go, pack and pick you around seven, be ready." Sona explained quickly, picking her bag from the table and walking towards the door.

"Pick us? There's no need, I have a car and I can drive very well thank you!" Annika rushed behind her, signing to Eva to handle everything.

"You think we will give you that freedom? If we do, you will go home and start working again! No! We will pick you both at seven and take that as a hanging sword above your head!" Sona dramatically said, putting a finger on Annika's lips.

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