Chapter 18- Only For Her

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Chapter 18

He never registered the fist approaching his face.

Sharp pain shot in Shivaay's face as soon as he felt the hard knuckles coming in contact with his cheek, a slight crack coming from his nose and immediately he could feel something wet on his upper lip. The blood trickled down slowly, seeping in his open mouth and he could sense the metallic taste on his tongue. He faintly heard Annika scream and tried to stand up from the sofa, his head reeling from the pain.

"Siddharth!" Annika shouted, her eyes as wide as a saucer, heart racing madly. She raced towards Siddharth who was breathing heavily, his eyes blood shot, knuckles bruised and white, staring at Shivaay as if he would kill him right now.

"Siddharth!" She said again, trying to calm him, while Shivaay wiped the blood from his face, still dazed. "Shivaay, are you alright?" She asked but he didn't seem to listen.

"How dare you?" Siddharth said slowly, staring at Shivaay. "How dare you treat her like that? How dare you hurt her? How dare you make her cry you bastard!" He screamed again and punched him again. Shivaay was thrown off-balance and landed on the floor with a loud thud, his head throbbing with pain.

"Shivaay!" Annika cried and ran towards him, her eyes glassy and Shivaay tried to look at her. Even though she looked blurry from the tears in his eyes, he could see the fear and pain in her eyes.

She is concerned.

For me.

All the pain suddenly felt worth it. To see her fear, for him, it felt good and he felt selfish to enjoy her pain. He whimpered in agony and she sniffed, trying to get him to stand up. Slowly and steadily, she gave him her shoulder and he stood up. But as soon as he was on his feet, she ran towards Siddharth, who was again charging at Shivaay.

"Stop it Sid! Please stop it!" She cried and Siddharth looked at her.

"Very concerned for him huh? Of course you will be, after all you-

"Sid please!" She interrupted, tears flowing freely. "Please, I am sorry!"

"Fine. I will stop it." He said and stepped back and Annika stood there, suddenly not knowing what to do. He turned and started walking away when she held his arm, trying to stop him.

"Where...where are you... going?" She cried and he removed her hand from his arm.

"Leave me alone. Go tend to your ex-husband, he is still bleeding!" He said in a cold tone, looking at Shivaay who was staring at them, a hand on his nose and there were sudden tears in his eyes. "I cannot believe you lied to me for him. But you still love him so it's fine I guess? True love versus a normal friendship? Love won!" He murmured so as only Annika could hear him and sobbed, shaking her head.

"No, please, I am sorry! I-

"Don't talk to me for some time, okay? May be this doesn't matter to you but it does to me. And anyway, who am I to stop you from doing what you want? You love him; you can go back to him, live with him, do whatever!" He chuckled for a moment then stopped, looking at her suddenly. "Tell me one thing. Are you already back with him? Secretly? Was this the thing Vikram, Sona and you were trying to hide from me? Huh?" He questioned and Annika shook her head violently, denying his question.

"No, no, I am not! I swear I am-

"Anyways, you can do whatever you want as I said. Be happy. Bye!" He said, not even trying to act cool and just left, leaving a crying Annika and a bleeding Shivaay.

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