First Day of High School

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August 2nd, 2015. My first day of high school. I had no clue what I would be getting into but I felt ready for anything that would happen during these 4 years. Usually, I don't have a hard time going through years of school, but these last years of grade school were something different, and way out of the ordinary. Something I never pictured happening in my life.

The day before I started high school, my parents would ramble about how high school was for them and how much fun it was. I didn't really pay much attention to it because most of the things they said, I've heard before, too many times to count to be honest.

The next morning, I didn't have a hard time getting up with my alarm. It's always been that way since I've always been an early bird. I didn't treat the morning any different from any other school morning. I kept my usual routine of getting ready besides clothes. I'm the type of girl who wears nothing but sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Today, I decided to change my look a bit and go with some ripped jeans, white vans, and a baggy long sleeve shirt.

It was finally time to head to school. I would be attending Central High, which was a very popular school in the city of Los Angeles. All the schools I ever went to were popular. I usually don't feel any different when having to move up to a new school with different grades but once I arrived, something felt different.

My first class of the day was Algebra. One of my absolute favorite subjects. I was secretly a math genius but I never really told anybody because they pretty much found out when they were in the same math classes as me.

I walked into the classroom to find a bunch of groups of other students, just goofing around before class started. The teacher hasn't came in yet because of a meeting. The first group of people I notice is what I assume as the popular girls. I mean, who couldn't not notice them with their bright colored outfits and outgoing personalities? I then noticed the  group of goths. Once again, they stood out with their black monochromatic looks. Then the jocks came around. Again, not hard to notice because of how loud and obnoxious they always are. The rest of the people were in certain clubs such as art, drama, orchestra, etc.

The last group I notice is a group that is super difficult to describe. They were very unique because I've never seen these types of people at my other schools. My first impression of them? Well, they seemed to be these arrogant troublemakers who had the mindset that they could get any girl they wanted. I couldn't really say that was true because I didn't pay attention to their conversations; it just seemed like that because of the way they dressed.

The 7:30 bell rings, which is the bell for class to start. The teacher finally shows up. She's probably the most intimidating person I've met. Not just the way she looks but the way she teaches. She gets mad when one single person gets a simple answer wrong.

So as the day passes on, I start noticing the group of boys more. I even made eye contact with one of them at lunch. I talked to one of the girls in my science class named Maria, who is the most familiar with the people who go to this school. I wasn't because I went to a different junior high than everybody else in my freshman class. I only knew Maria because our parents were really good friends. Since Maria knew pretty much everybody, I was curious if she knew about these group of guys.

E: So there's this group of 5 guys in my math class. I'm curious if you know them because I've never seen anybody like them before.

M: I probably do. Do they wear those ripped jeans and checkered vans all the time?

E: Yes.

M: Their names are Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Jack, and Zach. They're musicians.

E: Is that all you know about them?

M: Pretty much. They don't really talk to anyone besides each other, along with Corbyn's girlfriend. They're intimidating honestly, even to an outgoing person like me.

If they were intimidating to her, then they sure as heck are intimidating to me as well, but even more so.

So after school, I went to my locker to grab my things. I was about to go until I noticed the five boys approaching me. Surprisingly, they didn't intimidate me at that point in time. The way they approached me was somewhat friendly and nothing scary whatsoever.

Daniel: Hey, we've never seen you around. What's your name?

E: I'm Eileen. I went to a different junior high from everybody else.

D: Well nice to meet you Eileen! I'm Daniel, and this is Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, and Jack. *he points to each guys*

The rest of the boys: Hello!

E: Hey guys!

D: I don't know what you've heard about us but I promise we're not what other people say we are. I know it may be hard to believe but we would love to get to know you more! Meet us here tomorrow morning before school.

E: Could I possibly bring my friend Maria?

Z: Of course! Another girl would be awesome-

D: Z-dong, quit it! *the boys start laughing quietly*

E: Haha well I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow!

To be continued ...

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