Even More Hate: Daniel's POV

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I'm so happy Eileen came on tour with us. Even tho it's only been a day of traveling so far, it was amazing. On the way to our first stop in Sam Francisco, I showed her around the bus and where everybody's bunks were. We didn't have enough for Eileen to have her own so bring her boyfriend, I let her sleep in my bunk with me.

I did an Instagram live to finally tell my fans about us being together. I disabled the comments because whether the fans liked it or not, we were together and that was that. There's nothing they could do to break us apart.

We finally arrived at the venue, and as we were about to start rehearsal, Eileen decided to go on a walk to check out the venue. I don't blame her, I would do the same thing, especially if I haven't been to a concert like her.

I saw her come back as we finished rehearsals and it was about time for the limelight's to come out. I was rather nervous cuz I want sure how they would react to Eileen. Although while meeting with fans at first, she was behind me the whole time. I could tell she was nervous at first too. Some of the limelight's were very nice and supportive and got to talk a little bit to her. However, there was one who was opposite.

She came up and told me I was hers. I wasn't surprised at first, cuz I knew the girls really liked me. However, when she told Eileen to back off, I couldn't control my anger.

D: I'm sorry, please don't talk to her way, she's all mine and no one can take me away from her.

RL: Oh yeah? Watch me!

She grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss. A KISS!! I pushed her away so fast and at that point, I really couldn't control my anger. By the time she finally walked away. I look behind me to approach Eileen with a huge hug, but she wasn't behind me. She was gone and I had no clue where she went. I run out of the limelight area and thought maybe she was outside. She wasn't. The only thing I could think of after was the bathroom.

I checked all the bathrooms, and the last one I got to, I could hear nothing but sobbing. I knew it was her. I didn't care st this point so I ran into the bathroom and found Eileen, laying on the floor bawling her eyes out.

Her makeup is all smeared from crying, and I was expecting that after what happened. But I wasn't expecting, was something I should have expected from her. I noticed her holding her wrist and I could tell she was in pain. I immediately storm over and take her hand. Gently because I didn't know how bad it was injured.

D: *softly* sweetheart... What happened? What did you do?

E: I can't believe she had the nerve to do that. Right in front of me! I stormed out of there as fast as possible and came here. I couldn't control my anger so I punched the wall numerous times with this hand until I had no strength. I haven't stopped crying since

D: I honestly wasn't expecting that, but don't worry, she left. She's gone

E: That's good Dani but what if it keeps happening? What if girls keep doing that to me and you end up falling in love with them-

D: Baby, that's never gonna happen! Why do you think I brought you with us? I knew I couldn't do the tour without you here. You mean the absolute world to me and I wouldn't trade you with anybody in this world. I love you so much!

E: I love you too!

I walked her back to somewhere quiet and calm, away from the limelight's. I went straight to the bus to find any bandages for her wrist. I knew we brought some just in case one of the boys twisted their ankle or something. Once I found them, I went to the backstage area and took care of her wrist for her

D: I'll stay here with you until I have to go back okay?

E: But what about your other fans?

D: Eileen, I need to make sure you're okay, so I wanna spend as much time as possible before I have to go.

Eben: Are you ready Daniel?

D: Yeah I guess so. Are you sure you'll be okay babe?

E: I'll be okay

D: I trust you. I love you so much! I'll miss you!

E: I'll miss you more!

It was time for the concert. While performing, I had Eben stay back there with her to make sure she wouldn't do anything crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about Eileen during the whole concert. I knew I loved her then.

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