In Sickness, and in Health

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We're finally back from our honeymoon, and I've actually never been more excited to see everybody again. Although I really enjoyed my alone time with Daniel. Our last night was probably my favorite. He has made me feel something I have never felt before. I'm not exactly sure what it is but I know it's an amazing feeling.

We didn't get home until late at night. Around 11:30 or midnight. The boys waited up for us before they went off to bed. They usually stay up late anyways so it wasn't so hard for them to wait up for us.

We had just gotten to the front door. The boys opened the door before we could, and embraced us with big manly hugs.

Z: Man did we miss you two love birds!
C: What did you guys do in Orlando?
E: Uhh, we did fun stuff. Mainly spent our time at the back and-
D: We had some fun last night, that's for sure! *he smirks*
Z: Oh god, my virgin ears! *he runs off to bed* goodnight!
Jo: Yeah we better get some shut eye. Goodnight guys!
Everyone else: Goodnight!

Daniel and I head off to our room upstairs, and got ready for bed. We decided to save the unpacking for tomorrow morning cuz we were both pretty tired.


Morning time. I woke up and walked downstairs to see all of the boys, including Daniel, making breakfast. From the smell, I could tell it was bacon and waffles with eggs. My absolute favorite!

E: Guys, you didn't have to do this for me!
D: *he walks up to me* my wonderful wife deserves it! Now let's eat

We all join together at the dining table and before we eat:

Ja: *holds up a glass of apple juice* cheers to the newlyweds!

We all hold up our cups of apple juice (and Jonah's coffee, of course), and clink our drinks to the toast that Jack gave.

After eating breakfast, I was stuffed. I went to sit on the couch and watch some tv, but when I sat down I all of a sudden felt sick. Daniel looks over and comes to sit next to me.

D: Baby are you alright? You look pale.
E: I don't feel so good. I'll be right ba-

Before I could finish my sentence, I rush to the bathroom and vomit my breakfast out. I've got sweat running through my body at this point. Daniel was right behind me the whole time, holding my hair back and rubbing back to relax me after getting sick.

I walk over to the sink and lean forward over it. I don't even look at myself in the mirror cuz I already know how disgusting I look after getting sick for a half and hour. I start to wonder what made me sick. Then I realize that my menstrual cycle is late. I start to get anxious, then vomit again. Then back to the sink, leaning forward once again.

D: What's wrong? You look very worried. Did something happen sweetie?
E: My period Dani. It's... late.

Dani immediately looks worried as well. I can tell he's on the same page.

D: I'll make a doctor's appointment to see if it is in fact true okay? I'll try to get you in today.
E: Sounds good. And hey, no matter what happens, I love you to the moon and back, baby. Always.
D: I love you too babe. In sickness and in health. No matter what. *we share a passionate kiss*


We arrive at the doctors at 5:10. Our appointment time: 5:15. We go back and I get a bunch of tests done, as well as an ultrasound.

Doc: Well, there it is. Your baby's first picture. You are in fact pregnant Eileen.

Was I hearing this correctly? I am pregnant?

I have always wanted a child, especially with the one I truly love, and here I am today, living that fantasy. I couldn't control my emotions, and I start bawling my eyes out. I've never been more happy since the wedding. I hope Daniel was happy too. I could tell he was nervous about all of this, and I was too. But I knew we could do this.

D: I am beyond happy. We got this baby girl! *we share yet another kiss*

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