For How Long?

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I made a last minute move in with the boys. It was late at night when I moved in and by the time we were done, we were all exhausted. We decided to head to bed early because of that, and the boys have decided to wait for the house tour until morning.

When I woke up the next morning, I walked downstairs to the boys greeting me with a big breakfast. They made me what I eat at lunch since they didn't know what I liked.

Boys: Good morninggggg!!

D: *approaches me, hugs me, and gives me a kiss on the forehead* good morning beautiful. I know it's not a special breakfast but I wanted to do something for you to show you how much we all are excited for you to be living with us.

E: Awhh, you guys are the best! I love y'all so much! *i give Daniel a kiss on the cheek*

Once we finish breakfast, we finally get started with the house tour. They had such a beautiful modern house on a hill with an incredible view.

We finally get to their favorite part of the house: the music studio. I had no idea they were into music... let alone in a soon-to-be famous band!!

E: What's your guys' band name? I wanna hear all your songs!

Boys: Why Don't We

D: Hey, we can give you a mashup of all our songs if you'd like!

E: I would love that babe!

They started harmonizing before the mashup, and I was already impressed. Then they started the mashup, and that made me even more impressed. I was extremely shocked about Daniel though. I had no idea he was a singer. And BOI he can hit those high notes like NOTHING!!! When they finished, I automatically applauded, and maybe got teary-eyed because of how happy I saw Daniel!

E: DAMN I'm speechless! You are all phenomenal!!

Z: Thank you so much! I'm glad we actually got to do this because it helps us prepare for our tour this sum-

D: Zach!

Z: Oh shit... whoops... *he whispers*

Tour?!?!?!?! Daniel never mentioned anything to me about them going on tour, let alone being in a freaking band! My stomach just flipped. I knew I wouldn't be able to go because he would be focused on his music and the boys, and I would just be a huge distraction, and he probably thought so too.

I immediately ask:

E: When do you guys start tour?

Ja: Next week.

Next week? I only get one week with Daniel, then he's leaving me for 5 months? I know we just started dating but I couldn't handle that long. I wouldn't be able to control myself depression wise for that long. I had to tell him that but I still didn't want him to know that I do that.

E: Dani, why didn't you tell me?

D: Baby I was gonna tell you sooner but we were so caught up in the moment on the trail that I forgot all about it.

Z: Gross! No more love talk Danny boy!

D: Not what I meant kiddo. *he grabs my hands* Anyways, I promise, I was gonna tell you. I am so sorry I didn't but at least you know now.

E: Daniel, can I talk to you alone please?

I could tell he was scared. He acts like he knew he did something wrong. Obviously he didn't but the way I told him that made it seem like he was about to get hit with some bad news.

The reason I brought him alone is because I trusted him the most out of the group. I mean, how could I not? He's my boyfriend for crying out loud! I told him about my self harming I used to do, and that I wouldn't be able to control it without him there. I also told him how much he makes me smile and how much he helps me through that.

D: Thank you for telling me this Eileen. I'm glad I make you smile. And don't worry, I don't hate you at all for doing that. I've known a lot of people in the past who do that. And it's something that shouldn't be shamed for if you can't control it. Sure it may be dangerous but don't worry, I will be here for you if you ever feel like that again okay?

E: *sigh of relief* phew omg I'm so glad you said that! I love you baby!

D: I love you more baby!

He made me the happiest and luckiest girl alive by saying all of that. But I was still upset that their tour was coming so soon. And that they would be gone for how long?? 5 months. I had to come up with ways to control myself. FAST!

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