Wedding Jitters

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It was finally the day. The day I'll be saying "I do" to THE one and only. My one and only, Daniel James Seavey. I've never been more excited.

But at the same time, I've never been more nervous. The process of getting ready was stressful, and I thought it wouldn't be at all. Well, I guess I've never been told what weddings are like, before and during.

I've had butterflies in my stomach all day. I feel like I'm in a dream.


It was almost time to walk out. I was feeling rather nervous. So nervous that I was actually shaking. I had so many thoughts running through my mind: what if Daniel and I get a divorce in the future? What if he tries to hurt me? What if he leaves me all alone again one day? What if he really doesn't wanna be with me?

All of a sudden, I feel so sick. I rush to the bathroom, and I sit in there for what feels like 5 mins. Turns out, it was much longer than that. I was out of breath, I felt like I was gonna pass out. All of a sudden, I hear a familiar sympathetic voice from outside. It was Daniel.

D: Baby are you okay? You've been in there for a while.
E: Yeah, I'm fine.
D: Can I come in please?

I open the door to let Dani in. He looked so concerned about me, like he always does when something is wrong. He comes and just sits next to me for a while. I start bawling my eyes out on his shoulder. I'm not really sure why. I guess I just got emotional.

E: I'm so sorry Dani. I didn't mean for this to happen. Just really bad wedding jitters. Trust me, I love you with all my heart, and I wouldn't hesitate to marry you. I just didn't think I'd be so nervous.
D: Shhhh. Eileen, we can do this another day if you don't feel ready.
E: No no I feel ready, I might just need a min
D: Don't worry, there's no rush. I'll go tell everybody that we'll resume in a few, okay? *he kisses me on the forehead*

At that point, I felt so ready to marry him already. I knew he was the perfect man. And boi did he look sexy in a suit and tie! Well, he always looks sexy, even with his adorable bed head.

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