Will You...

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Well, a few days later, we made it back home to LA. Wow, what an amazing tour it was. Every day of that journey I felt like it was dreaming. Well, every day I'm with Daniel I feel like I'm dreaming. He literally walked out of a dream, and I've never felt this way around anybody I've ever met in my entire life.

There are so many things I absolutely love about Daniel. Obviously, his looks give away the wonderful person he is. But the main thing I love about him is his personality. I've never really been taken care of by anybody; I've always learned to take care of myself since nobody has been there. But Daniel isn't like any other person I've met. He always makes sure I'm as happy as can be and if I'm down, he always wonders why I am. He says I'm too beautiful and too sweet to ever be down. Again, he's the only person that has said that about me, which gives me the slightest hope that there are good people in the world after all.

Once we finished unpacking after the tour, the boys' photographer August decided to do a photoshoot at the beach, and he asked me if I wanted to be in it too. I, of course, said I would love to. Photo shoots are always fun for me. Plus, I could get a few cute pics with Daniel.

I went to start getting ready right away because I wasn't sure how long it would take me and I didn't want everybody waiting on me to finish getting ready. I picked out a simple yet cute outfit, Dutch braids, and a pretty light amount of makeup. I'm glad I got ready when I did because by the time I put my shoes on, everybody was ready to go.

We head to a small beach called Del Mar, about an hour away from the wdw house. We figured it would be easier to take pics here since it was more of a private beach that only SoCal residents spent their time at.

The boys took some group pictures first. I liked the idea so Daniel and I could get our pictures last, and Daniel agreed as well. He said he had some cute ideas for ours.

Being their goofy selves, the boys took a lot of silly pictures and not too many with serious faces. Then came the individual ones. August actually let me take some individual ones myself. Daniel was right behind the camera distracting me and making me smile. But he was also motivating me, saying things like "OOOOO you go baby girl!" And "Das the love of my life right there! Isn't she a beauty?" He was so adorable.

Now it was time for Daniel and I to get our own pictures. I was so excited to see what he wanted us to do. The first picture he wanted was us touching heads and locking our hands. The next, us making a heart. The next one, kissing, and the last one(s), him hugging me from behind and me on his back. However, there was one last picture that he wanted to take, and it was something I never expected.

Daniel took me a little further down the beach where it was just me, him, and August. I guess he just wanted the boys out of the way, but I wasn't sure about that.

Daniel grabs my hands and just stares in my eyes and has the biggest smile on my face. I've never seen him so happy. However, he seemed nervous about something, and I wasn't sure what it was.

E: Dani, you look nervous. Is everything okay?

D: Yeah, everything is great. Fantastic, actually. I just... ooooo look, you can see a whale over there! *he points to the ocean behind us*

I didn't see any whales at all. So I turned back around, and I see Daniel on one knee, slight tears in his eyes, and about to pull something out of his back pocket.

D: Eileen, since the first day I saw you, I knew I wanted you. I knew I had to do everything I can to make you mine. And now that you're mine, I couldn't be happier. You make me the happiest and luckiest guy in the world, and I wouldn't trade you for anyone else. You make me a better person. And when you're feeling down, I always wanna do the absolute best I can to make sure you're not down anymore. You mean so much to me and if you're ever down... idk why you would be, cuz you're too pretty and too sweet to ever be down. I love you so much. And I guess my point here is...

E: Oh my gosh! *tears in my eyes*

D: Eileen Davidson.... Will you... Will you marry me?

I was absolutely shocked. I know we're young and it's really soon, but we're both free and extremely happy with one another. I just couldn't believe it. Daniel James Seavey, asking Eileen Mae Davidson to marry him. I would never say no to that cuz it's Daniel for crying out loud. He is literally the most amazing guy in the world and I love him so damn much.

E: Again, how could I pass up an opportunity like this? Of course I will!

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