Day 2: Daniel's POV

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I was super eager for the second day of school, especially knowing I might actually have a chance with the girl I first laid eyes on yesterday. She's been on my mind ever since then.

At the beginning of the day, nothing was really happening between Eileen and I. Lunch came and still nothing happened. Eileen and I were just talking, having a casual conversation. I notice her look around for a few seconds. Then her face turns completely pale.

I start getting really concerned. She excuses herself from the table. I immediately chase after her to make sure she's okay. I wait outside the bathroom door and hear the sound of her vomiting. I'm sure she just ate something that didn't agree with her stomach but I still wanted to make sure she was okay.

A few mins later, I ask her to come out so I can see her. When she came out, I can tell it was more than just a small stomach bug. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen. I could tell she was crying a lot before she came out. I wasn't sure what was wrong so I brought her in my arms for a gentle comforting hug and asked her.

E: Dani, it's only the second day and I already get hate and dirty looks from just joining you guys at lunch. Maybe I shouldn't be sitting with you guys anym-

D: Eileen! Shhh, what has gotten into you? Don't think that. Don't worry about what others think of you and your actions. Your life is your life. You choose who you wanna hang out with and who you wanna be with. Even tho I like you a lot I wouldn't force you to date someone else or be mad at you for it.

I may have sounded a little harsh at first, but I wanted her to know that she was loved-

Wait, did I really just say that??? I told myself I would wait a while until I told her how I really felt but I guess it just came out. The truth finally came out. My stomach started to turn in knots because I didn't think she would feel the same way. Until she actually told me.

I was nothing but extraordinarily happy to hear her say she felt the same way. At that point, I couldn't even control myself. I pinned her to the wall and kissed her like no other. I didn't know if it was her first kiss or not but either way, I wanted to make it the most magical kiss she's ever had.

I could tell she had calmed down after that few mins so we went back to the table, pretending that nothing had ever happened.

To be continued ...

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