4 Uncles, 6 Same Dreams

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Dani and I arrive back at the house after the doctors. I knew the rest of the boys would be nervous about the news. Or so I thought.

I could tell Daniel was hesitant to tell them the big news, just like I was. We went upstairs to our room to sleep on it.

Jo: Hey guys, how did the doctors go?
E: Good. Uhh, Dani and I are exhausted so we're gonna go get some shut-eye for an hour or 2.
Z: But can you tell us what happened first please? Like is anything wrong?
D: Everything is fine. We're just super tired. Well tell y'all when we wake up.

We both tried sleeping but we ended up cuddling on the bed, thinking of how to tell the boys. We end up discussing it quietly. Quiet enough to where nobody could hear us as they pass our room in the hallway.

E: What are we gonna do Dani?
D: I guess we just gotta be straightforward and tell them. I mean, they're gonna notice at some point and you can't change anything at this point.
E: True, but I was talking about something else.
D: ..... Baby-
E: Were so young babe. I don't even know if I'm responsible enough or capable of taking care of a child, let alone having one.
D: Shhh, come here sweetheart *he pulls me closer to him and holds me* I promise we will figure things out. We've got 9 months to prepare. Don't worry, it's gonna be okay. We're in this together
E: You're right. We can do this together, and no matter what happens, I'm not going anywhere.
D: Neither am I. *we share a kiss* I love you Eileen
E: I love you too Dani *i get closer and more into his arms, then fall asleep*


I didn't realize I fell asleep until I wake up to the alarming sound of Zach storming into the room. Apparently Daniel was awake the whole time and turned on the tv not too long ago.

Z: Wake up, lovebirds! Time to tell us the news!

The rest of the boys rush in and impatiently wait on the bed for the news. Daniel and I take them to the living room. He felt it was more formal but I didn't care where we told them, as long as they found out at some point in the day so we didn't have to hide it anymore.

Jo: So, did the doctors find anything?
D: Actually they did find a little something.
C: *looking concerned* they did? What was it?
Ja: Oh no, it's a tumor!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE!!!!!!!!
Z: Calm down, noodle head. It's not a tumor..... right??
E: It's not a tumor. And I'm not dying. Turns out Daniel and I...... well.... we're gonna have a baby.
D: Were pregnant!
C: Yoooo, congrats Daniel, how far along are you bro?

I shake my head that eventually turns into me laughing

E: You do realize I'll be the one having the baby right?
C: Phhffff, duuuh! I was kiddiiiiing.... okay maybe not. But how far along are YOU?
E: Only 2 week's. Still got 8 months and another 2 weeks
Jo: Were all so happy for you! Congratulations guys!!
Z: So what does that make us? Uncles?
D: Yep!
Ja: What is you guys give birth to a monkey??? That would make us the monkey's uncles!!!!!
Z: *slaps Jack upside the head* you're so stupid sometimes.
Ja: Hey, a poodle can dream right?

I could tell they were all on the same page. 4 uncles, 6 same dreams. It made Daniel and I super relieved that they all were excited about the baby as well!

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