The Second Day is Always Worse Than the First

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It's day 2 of high school. I've heard many rumors about the second day always being worse than the first, but I never believed it to be true. Until I actually lived it...

The day is going well so far. Again, not much different than any other day. I get to lunch and I sit with the boys. Maria has joined us as well. I look around and I randomly notice a group of girls, giving me the dirtiest look I have ever seen. She looked like she was looking at her biggest enemy, yet this girl didn't even know me, and I didn't know her.

Usually looks like that don't bother me but, there was something about the look I got from her that made me sick to my stomach. Literally sick to my stomach. I excused myself from the lunch table:

E: I'll be right back guys.

I thought nobody would notice me because I didn't think I'd look any different. I rush to the restroom and vomit. Then I lay on the bathroom floor, sobbing. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop thinking about that one simple yet aggressive look.

I hear my name get called from outside the bathroom. It was Daniel.

D: Eileen, are you in there?

You quickly clean yourself up and make yourself look like you did before.

E: Yeah I'm in here *my voice is shaky*

D: Can you come out for a min please?

I walk out acting totally normal, aside from my ghostly face and trembling voice.

I can tell Daniel is worried. Hell easily figure out I'm not okay. Daniel approaches me with a gentle yet meaningful hug.

D: Hey what's the matter? Do you not feel good?

I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out in his shoulder. Nobody has ever cared about me so much to come chasing me like that.

E: Dani, it's only the second day and I already get hate and dirty looks from just joining you guys at lunch. Maybe I shouldn't be sitting with you guys anym-

D: Eileen! Shhh, what has gotten into you? Don't think that. Don't worry about what others think of you and your actions. Your life is your life. You choose who you wanna hang out with and who you wanna be with. Even tho I like you a lot I wouldn't force you to date someone else or be mad at you for it.

I was shocked at what I just heard. I never thought Daniel would feel that way about me. I never thought anybody would feel that way about me. I've never been more overjoyed in my life.

E: I'm glad you said that, cuz I feel the same way about you!

Daniel pins me against a wall and kisses me like no other. I can't believe it. My first kiss. It was so magical.

I knew the second day being the worse couldn't be true. Daniel proved me wrong once I started to believe it. And I'm super glad he did.

To be continued ...

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