"Finally, Time Alone"

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After a long night of partying and dancing, it was finally time for it to be over... for everyone else. However, Daniel and I still got a few days. I was beyond excited for the honeymoon. It was one of the only long times we would have just for the two of us.

The only other times we've had alone time weren't so good for my side cuz I always rushed out of wherever-the-hell and freaked out for no freaking reason. This time would be the most magical. Something I have always dreamed about, ever since I was a little kid.

Our honeymoon destination: Orlando, FL. There are plenty of things to do there. Plus, we got the opportunity to stay right off the beach.

We didn't spend too much time out during the day except for he beach. That's where most of our time was spent. Staying at the beach brought us back to our fun walks at the beach back in LA.

D: Come here, lets go somewhere with less people.

We walk over to a bonfire area, and there's nobody there. Literally nobody. We sit down on a little wooden bench on the warm sand. Daniel takes my hands and faces me.

D: Eileen, I know we made our vows yesterday at the wedding. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, I am not going anywhere. I know your past has been absolutely terrible and you've wanted to get away for so long. I will not let anything bad happen to you, and I will never leave you no matter how big of a fight we get in. You are such a beautiful soul and I always want you to be mine. I love you so much baby girl!

That made tears come out of my eyes like no other. I felt the exact same way about Dani and to show it, I cry my eyes out and lean my head into his shoulder and don't let go from a hug until there weren't any tears left to spare. God I love this man with all my heart, and I never wanna lose him.


It was now our last night in Orlando. We just made it back to the hotel from a long day at the beach area. It's time for us to wind down for the last time before heading back to LA.

It's about 9 at night, and since we don't have to be at the airport until 11 the next day, we take our time with settling into bed.

I let Dani take a shower first since he's pretty quick at them. After he comes out I go in. I forgot to grab the robe from my bed so I walk back out and grab it. I didn't have any clothes on cuz I was about to get in the shower afterwards.

Daniel notices, and he gives me a very unique look. A look I have never gotten from him before, but I could tell what he was thinking.

D: Come here baby, I need you for a while before you get a shower.
E: What do you need sweetheart?
D: Time alone with my baby girl.
E: Finally, time alone!

He moves the covers off of him. Turns out, he had no clothes either. But I could see he was starting to tent, and I knew it was that time. I didn't even grab a condom for him. I didn't think about it because I had to do this right now and couldn't wait another second.


After our little "session", I finally went in to take a shower, and we were finally settled for bed.

E: How did that feel.... daddy?
D: Oof, that felt amazing baby girl.
E: I agree.

And just like that, we both crash to sleep.

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