Telling Dani About Myself

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The next few days we're going absolutely fantastic. The next day after the kiss, Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend, and I literally felt like I was dreaming. Daniel and I have been super happy ever since then.

He asked me out on my very first date that would happen this coming weekend. He said he had a beautiful night planned, with a picnic, blankets, food, and a night under the stars. He didn't know this but I've always dreamed of having a date like that.

*fast forward to Saturday night*

I've been super eager about tonight ever since Dani brought the date up. I can tell he's been excited to because he always talks about it. Daniel told me he planned to pick me up around 7. I started getting ready around 5 because 1) it takes me forever to get ready, and 2) I was too excited to wait. 7 o'clock rolled around and I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door and Daniel was standing outside with a decorated watermelon.

I couldn't help but laugh at the idea, and I started to turn red because of how cute he was. He dressed like he normally does for school but he looks adorable no matter what he wears.

One of the coolest parts of the date? He owned a pick up truck! I've heard how glamorous it is before but tonight was the first night I actually got to see it and ride in it.

Daniel drove us to an empty hiking trail about 15 mins away from my house. We parked at the highest point of the trail and started to lay out our picnic things in the back of the truck. Blankets laid in the back and the food towards the seats.

Daniel and I were eating and just talking and having a great time. I found it funny how he cut the watermelon in half and started eating right from the actual watermelon. He's such a goof. It's one of the things I love about him. Our conversations got deeper and deeper as the night went on.

Daniel eventually asked me about my family. I've always been hesitant to tell him about them. I've been abused my whole life and I never bring it up because every time I do, I get too emotional. More than the average person would. Since we were dating, I figured that I might as well tell him no matter how emotional I got. But again, I didn't know where to start.

E: Well, I have a mom and dad. I am an only child. Umm... *i start getting emotional*

I can tell Daniel started getting worried again. He gave me the same look he gave me when I walked out of the bathroom at the beginning of the week. Daniel grabbed my hands and rubs them gently with his thumbs:

D: What is it baby?

E: Well... the truth is... my parents are abusive. Every time I get home, I'm terrified to have a simple conversation with my parents. Because every time I say something wrong, and most of the things I say are wrong to them, I get punished for it. And it's not just a simple slap in the face. They grab my throat and try to choke me, they threaten to cut my head off by holding a knife to my neck, and they throw me to the ground when I make one little mistake. *i start getting super emotional*

Daniel calms me down again. He brings me into his shoulder and lets me let all my feelings out

D: Shhhh, you're okay babe. Thank you for telling me that. I know it's hard.

He's so comforting and me makes me super super happy. I start getting emotional even more but mainly because I'm with somebody who treats me like a princess. Daniel now notices how happy I'm becoming and continues hugging me.

D: I love how happy you are. It makes me happy, even more now that I know that. See how happy you are? How much light you're spreading? It's amazing. I'm right here sweetheart, and I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much

*side note: yes, I did use an actual quote from Daniel, it's one of my favorite things he has ever said*

I start hugging him even tighter. He's the one who is spreading so much light by just being here for me. He's super supportive. Next he asked me something out of the ordinary.

D: If you need a place to stay, away from your parents, you can always live with me. I have plenty of room at my house.

That was a relieving moment for me. If I lived with Daniel, all my troubles would be gone, and I could be free. However, it was a lot to ask. You never know what could happen. But I didn't wanna pass up an opportunity like that so I immediately took the offer.

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