First Day: Daniel's POV

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Wow. First day of high school. Honestly, it didn't feel any different from starting any other school, especially because I would get to hang with my boys more often.

The day was a normal first day, filled with new teachers, but the same old class procedures. The only thing different about the day was lunch. The boys and I were just being us. You know, childish and stuff. And out of nowhere, I spot one of the most beautiful ladies I've ever seen in my life.

She had hair of gold, eyes of the ocean blue, and the most unique and beautiful smile. She stood out so much among the other girls, not because I haven't seen her before, but there was something about her that stood out so much, and I knew I had to talk to her whenever I could.

But by that time, lunch was sadly over. I didn't have any classes with her besides math, which is at the beginning of the day. Usually, the boys and I stay in our comfort zones by just talking to each other but ever since lunch, I knew I had to figure out some way to talk to her. I knew the next chance I had would have to wait until the next morning but I couldn't wait that long.

The end of the school day came. The boys and I went to our lockers, all next to each other, to grab our things, and there she was. The girl that's been on my mind all day. For once I felt somewhat shy to say something to her. It was absolutely shocking. An outgoing friendly guy like me, now became shy. However, that shy feeling didn't last long when I finally decided it was my time to shoot my shot with her.

I started out being my friendly self and not going into anything creepy or relationship-like, unlike the other boys who act like complete pedophiles.

Daniel: Hey, we've never seen you around. What's your name?

E: I'm Eileen. I went to a different junior high from everybody else.

D: Well nice to meet you Eileen! I'm Daniel, and this is Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, and Jack. *he points to each guys*

The rest of the boys: Hello!

E: Hey guys!

D: I don't know what you've heard about us but I promise we're not what other people say we are. I know it may be hard to believe but we would love to get to know you more! Meet us here tomorrow morning before school.

E: Could I possibly bring my friend Maria?

Z: Of course! Another girl would be awesome-

D: Z-dong, quit it! *the boys start laughing quietly*

E: Haha well I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow!


Now all I've gotta do is build up even more confidence to move things even more along. Things are going good so far...

To be continued ...

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