Day Off of Tour

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It's been an amazing journey so far. Not only are the boys doing fantastic on tour but I have been having the best time with Daniel. We haven't had too much time together because of their concerts and meet and greets, but when we do have time, we make the most out of it.

Today, we finally have one of those rare days: a day off from the concerts. I knew it would be a great day because the boys and I didn't have to hear screaming fans all night.... well, maybe a few but the boys love it which makes me love it too. They had 2 New York shows before today and they have one more tomorrow so we get to spend the day here.

A few days ago, we knew about the day off, so Daniel and I made plans to go off on our own because we barely had any alone time. It was always the boys who were with us.

We decided to spend the morning in Times Square, and the evening in a quieter city just outside of NYC.

When we were in Times Square in the morning, we did some fun window shopping while walking to some sightseeing areas.

D: What an amazing city huh?

E: It's beautiful.

D: You're more beautiful!

Daniel always knows how to make me smile, no matter what. Just being with him and spending little moments with him makes me smile.

We were starting to get tired of all the crowds so we took an Uber to a smaller city that I can't remember the name of.

It was beautiful. Trees everywhere, paths to walk on that led to who-knows-where, and a beautiful blue sky.

Daniel took me on one of the longer paths. I didn't know where we were going so he took my hand and led us the way. We just walked down the path and had deep and meaningful conversations. That's all we wanted to do, was talk and spend time with one another.

D: I hope you're enjoying the tour, Eileen.

E: I'm loving it so much! It's been such a fun experience. Something I haven't had in a really long time.

D: I know it's been hard to have alone time, and I feel terrible for it. We've had too many rehearsals and I haven't got the chance to do what I wanted until now, which is have alone time with my beautiful girl: you.

E: Awh, Dani, don't feel bad. You're having the time of your life with your best friends, and it makes me happy to see you enjoying that. Sure I may be sad we don't get too much time together but all I want for you is to be happy.

D: But I'm happy spending time with you.

E: I know baby, and I'm happy spending time with you too. I love you so much!

D: I love you more!

He pulled me in for a passionate and meaningful kiss. We found a small bench and we just sat there and talked some more and enjoyed the view.

All of a sudden, I started feeling sick. But how? I didn't eat for a while. The last thing I ate was some chicken at a grocery store.... wait... that makes more sense now. All of a sudden, I throw up.

D: Awhh baby. I knew we shouldn't have ate that chicken. I'm so sorry.

He held my hair back as I kept throwing up. I felt so terrible that he had to see me so sick, but he's seen me cry too much already so I didn't have a problem with it. Once I was done:

D: Sweetie are you okay?

E: Yeah, it was just the chicken I think.

D: Awhh, come here. You can lay on me for a little bit sweetheart.

He pulled me into his chest and rocked me back and  forth to help me relax. Then he gave me a gentle forehead kiss and kept me close to him making sure I felt safe and relaxed in his arms. I knew I truly loved him then.

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