Even More Hate

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We are on our way to the first stop of the tour: San Francisco! Wow, that's something I never thought I would say in my entire life, let alone actually be on a bus tour with my best friends, as well as the best boyfriend ever. I still feel like I'm in a dream, and I probably am. I don't deserve to be the one coming on tour with THE Why Don't We, but I know I'll love every second of it!

Once we left, I just decided to take a look at the bus. Daniel gave me a little tour. He also showed me where everyone is sleeping (the 5 boys, Eben, Bam Bam, and their photographer). He told me I would get to sleep with him which made me super happy! I knew then I'd be safe every night. I'd pretty much be safe the whole time.

Daniel pretty much explained to me in as much detail as possible what it would be like and what to expect. I've never actually been to a concert in my whole life so I was super excited. However, I don't do well with crowds so I was also nervous that I would have a panic attack. I've had plenty of those in the past.

So none of Daniel's fans know about us yet. We decided to keep it private for a while. However, Daniel knew he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret on tour, especially since I'd be tagging along. So we decided to do an Instagram live on his account and confirm it there. We decided to disable comments so we wouldn't have to see hate comments. This is how it went:

D: Hey guys! I figured I would come and do a live real quick. So we just left for our tour. You guys should I know I would never keep secrets from you, and to prove that, I have a special guest with me *he points the phone to face me* This is Eileen, and we are a couple. *he looks over at me* Now you guys can think all you want about this. But if you don't support us being together, I suggest you ignore it and not hate, because she means the world to me. And if you support us, thank you guys, we really appreciate it! Well that's all I gotta say so thank you guys for being here for me to tell you this. Adios!

I felt a huge sense of relief after the live. I knew that I wouldn't have to keep things secret anymore. I could tell Daniel felt the same way, especially because he could be himself around me at the concerts, and I could do the same with him.

*time skip 6 hours*

We finally made it to our first destination in San Francisco. The venue was absolutely beautiful. We had to take a different way to get inside because there were already fans waiting outside the venue. While the boys were rehearsing, I decided to take a walk around the place to see what it's like.

E: Hey Dani, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go take a walk in the venue

D: Okay baby, don't be long okay? And be careful

E: I will.

So I started for my walk. This place was small but it was beautiful. So much to look at!

I arrived back at the stage area, and they were just about finished with rehearsals. Which meant, time for the limelight's to come in. They were let in and rushed over to the boys immediately. I was a shy person so I kinda just stayed behind Daniel.

RL= Random Limelight

RL: Oooo, is this your girlfriend Dani? She's hot! But no one can have you! Except for me!

She grabbed Daniel and kissed him everywhere, and I do mean everywhere! What the hell was she thinking? I've been used to hate for a while but nothing compared to this! I was so aggravated so I storm off and lock myself in a bathroom.

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