I Must Be Dreaming!

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Well... it was the day that the boys are leaving for their 5 month long tour. I have been preparing myself since the night before because I knew it would be an emotional day.

The boys planned to leave around 11 in the morning. I was still asleep in Daniel's bed while he finished packing but I woke up to many drawers opening and closing. I could tell they were my drawers and I was very curious why Dani was looking in there, but I thought maybe he misplaced one of his shirts or maybe picking me an outfit for the day. Again, I didn't think about it too much so I fell back asleep.

When I woke up, I went outside to see if the boys needed any help packing their things. They didn't need help but there was something curious, once again, that I noticed. I saw Daniel carrying out one of my bright green suitcases.

E: Daniel, why do you have my suitcase?

D: Oh, I was gonna ask you earlier if I could bring it with me but you were asleep. I figured you wouldn't mind.

E: I don't mind at all! Go ahead

So he continued to bring my suitcase to the bus. I had a small feeling that something was a little fishy but again, I didn't think too much of it.

It was that time. The boys are finally packed and are ready to go on their tour. I started becoming very emotional as everyone was saying goodbye. I went down the group of boys and gave them all hugs. When I got to Daniel, I couldn't hold back my tears. I was gonna miss him so much, and without him, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Daniel brought me closer to him for a passionate kiss. It lasted for a good 2 mins before it was time to go. But Daniel had something very important to say before he left.

D: I need to ask you something real quick.

E: What is it hun?

D. Baby... what would you say if I asked you to come on tour with us?

*i was dumb and didn't get the clue he was trying to give me*

E: I would obviously say yes because you know I wouldn't be able to control myself alone when you're gone.

D: I know baby, and that's why I'm asking you if you wanna come on tour with us?

I must be dreaming! Did THE Daniel James Seavey, THE love of my life, ask me to go on tour with him? I knew something was going on!!

D: Listen, I don't mean to be controlling but your suitcase is already packed and you're coming whether you like it or not

E: Well, in that case, HELL YEAH!!!!!

I got even more emotional at that point because I knew I would get to spend every day of tour with my favorite person ever! It was gonna be the most entertaining and exciting 5 months!

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