It's Time: Daniel's POV

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I awake at 3 in the morning to a somewhat panicked Eileen. Before she said it, I knew. It was time. It was the day our beautiful bundle of joy would enter the world.

I rush to change so we can drive to the hospital. My baby girl seemed more calm than I thought she would be... until about 5 mins away from the hospital.

E: I don't think I'm gonna make it Dani. I feel like I need to push.
D: Don't push sweetheart, just hold on as much as you can okay? *i grab her hand to make sure she's comfortable*

We finally made it. I felt relieved that everything would now be taken care of.... or so I thought.

We found out Eileen needed a C section because of how the baby would come out. I wasn't too nervous about that because our doctor has done plenty of them before and all have turned out successful for both mother and child.

As I go wait in the waiting room, I see the boys show up. They knew everything would be fine too.

It was a solid 2 or 3 hours until we got an update on what was going on. We see the doctor come out. Blood was stained all over her coat and she was a sweaty mess. At that point, I got hella worried.

Doc: The delivery went pretty well. The baby made it out smoothly
D: Great! How's Eileen?
Doc: Um, that's the thing I need to tell you about. You might wanna sit down for this.

I of course sat down. I had to prepare myself for what I was about to hear.

Doc: Your wife suffered a massive bleed out after the baby was born. I tried to get a transfusion but by that point, she was unconscious. I tried everything I could to save her life, but... she didn't make it. I am so sorry for your loss.

I didn't know how to react. I felt incomplete. I felt nothing, actually. I had just lost the love of my life. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart millions of times. She was perfectly fine when we got here. Then all of a sudden, she was..... taken from me.

I took a step outside. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. All I wanted was to be with Eileen. I thought long and hard on how I would be able to take care of our newborn. I knew I would have the boys but that wouldn't be enough.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't take it anymore. I pace the perimeter of the hospital. I notice a huge cliff with a giant river at the bottom. I knew what I needed to do, to be with Eileen again. It was our time.

And that was the last view of this world I ever saw again.

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