Moving In

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*to reflect the last chapter, Eileen told Daniel about her parents and how they're abusive mad everything, and Daniel offered to have Eileen live with them*

I felt like I was in some huge fantasy. I never thought my life would come down to this. I never thought anybody would give such a great offer. To get away from my horrible life and for me to feel free. On the other hand, I felt it was a big deal. I will be moving in with Daniel. Even though I've gotten to know him so much and I can trust him with anything, you never know how things could eventually end up.

So he took me back to his house, and on the way there, I ask:

E: Are you sure it's not too much to ask? For me to move in with you?

D: It's not a problem at all. Things would be even more entertaining, but also relaxing, if you came to move in with us.

E: Okay good, I'm glad you think that. Your parents think that too right?

D: Oh I don't live with my parents.

E: Oh, who do you live with then?

By that time, we had just got to Daniel's house from the trail. I hear a bunch of rowdy guys once we pulled in the garage. It was a lot of familiar voices calling Daniel's name. At that time I just couldn't exactly point out who those voices were. Until 4 boys walked out.



I finally come to the conclusion that Daniel lives with his "boy squad" from school.

I didn't have much material wise so it didn't take long at all to move my stuff. As I walk in and spend even more time with the boys, I realize how happy Daniel is living with his friends and just enjoying his life. It made me super happy for him to feel like that.

On the other hand, it made me reflect on my life. As mentioned before, my parents were abusive to me. Daniel knows about that but what he doesn't know is that I have major depression because of it. I have been self harming for as long as I can remember. I've tried stopping but I can't control myself when I'm alone or getting tackled by my parents. It's definitely not a good thing to do, and I'm very aware of that, it's just hard to control myself, and I'm not proud of it whatsoever. But, when I look at Daniel, he just makes all of that go away. I see his smile, and it makes my smile go from ear to ear and never go away. I never feel any sign of my depression when I'm with him.

While Daniel is still joking around with the boys and having fun, I just stand there watching them. When I think about my life before, my smile starts to drop. It makes me wish my life can be as glamorous as Daniel's. I'm still watching them, then I notice Daniel look over at me. I can tell he saw my smile fading so I quickly looked away to keep myself from getting emotional again, but it was too late, cuz Daniel knew something was up.

D: Baby are you okay?

E: Yeah I'm fine... I'm just... happy. *i start getting emotional but in a happy away* I've wanted to get away from my past life for as long as I could remember, and now, because of you, I finally get to. I finally get to live with people who make me laugh, people who keep me entertained. And I finally get to be free!

C: There's the spirit Eileen!! Trust me, you're gonna have a great time here!

D: Corbs is right! *he approaches me for a hug and rocks me back and forth* I promise, you're safe here with us, and we will do our absolute best to keep you as happy as possible, no matter what!

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