
539 19 14

Thursday 7th February 1991

A mother and daughter stand in a dirty, underground subway station. The little girl is dancing around whilst holding onto her mother's hand. Her face shows joy and happiness in that very moment. Her mother shares the same love and devotion towards her blond daughter.

The mother glances to her right to see two old teenagers wearing hoods over their heads. Being the only people in the subway through instincts the mother pulls her 11 year old daughter closer to her.

One of the teenage boys unexpectedly walks away from the other. Walking at a fast pace towards the two females. The mother keeps a close eye on the teenager as he simply walks past the two and heads towards the stairs leading out of the subway, giving them a dirty smirk as he does.

Thankfully the subway train approaches and the mother gets ready to quickly board the train with her unsuspecting daughter.

However before the train comes to a halt the two teenagers quickly head towards the two. One of them pulling out a gun in the process. They demand the purses, that both the mother and daughter have.

Not wanting to cause any trouble the mother gives her purse to the teens as does her daughter. She hides her daughter behind her back for the added safety.

The subway train comes to a stop and the teens jump onto the train, turning around to face the mother, who still conceals her daughter from the men. The mother dared not move until the train is gone along with the two men. She stood still taking in heavy breaths to calm herself.

Before the train could depart however the teen with the gun pulls it out yet again and points it directly at the mothers chest.

"No!" She protested, with her last breath before the teen pulls the trigger of the loaded gun, hitting her straight in the chest. The mother falls backward from the strong impact of the bullet.

The daughter steps aside and stares at her mother lying lifelessly on the cold ground. "Mum! Mum! Mum! No Mum!" The girl yells over and over again hoping that her mother will reawaken from her helpless state.

By this point the doors to the subway train had closed and the murders had escaped into the distance, leaving behind a taken life of a mother and the distressed calls from a daughter.


The Sergeant Detective slowly defends the stairs of the subway, reaching the platform. He looks around to see cameras flashing and police officers walking around containing the scene. All seems to be moving in slow motion for the detective.

He walks forward to the plain white sheet that lays on top of the figure of a women. He looks down and takes a breath before kneeling down to pull back the sheet covering the persons face. He is met with a beautiful blond looking directly at the ceiling with fear still stricken across her once glowing face.

He holds back the tears threatening to escape his eyes whilst he gently brings a hand to her face closings the women's eyelids to give a sense of peace for the women lying before him.

He slowly arises from his crouching position and turns.

He sees a police women crouching down to meet the level of a young girl wrapped in a blanket. The young girl looks towards him and discards the blanket wrapped around her giving her warmth, and runs towards the man.

" Daddy!" She shouts before being swooped up into the Sergeant arms. He holds her with great protection afraid that she would disappear if her let her go.

He held her close as he carried her away from the wicked scene that both would never forget for the rest of their lives.

Ok so this is a preview of my new Jackunzel AU.
What do you think? Please please please tell me you opinions on it in the comments. I really want to know if you all like it.
Thanks xx


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