~Part 17~

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Jack walks towards his door alone. He is humming to a tune quietly, whistling accasionally. He reached his door and searched for his keys in his pocket but froze when he looked down. He noticed that the lock on his door had been forced open and the door was open ever so slightly.

Jacks breathing stopped as he listened for any trace of movement on the other side of the door however he heard nothing. He took a deep breath and push the door open checking his surroundings carefully. He reached for the baseball bat that was propped on the side of the wall close to him and held it in a defensive position. He silently walk through the apartment looking behind him from time to time. He slowly headed to his own room and found the door open.

He then saw a man sat on his bed, casually looking through his things in no hurry at all. As if by instinct the man turned around slowly and locked eyes with Jack. Seeing the mans face Jacks jaw dropped.

Craig looked at Jack dead in the eyes, no emotion on his face. "Where is she?" he asked bluntly.

"What are you doing in my house?" Jack asked completely ignoring his question. He lowered the baseball bat but still kept a tight grip on it.

Craigs eyes flashed with anger as he looked at the boy in front of him. He was furious that he didn't answer his question so he repeted himself with anger more obvious in his voice. "Where is my daughter?"

Jack noticed the anger radiating off of him and sighed. "She's not here right now. She's gone to the archery arena." Craig gave him a look that said: bullshit. He then looked around Jacks room as he continued to ask questions.

"Does she know?" He asked. Jack knew what he was talking about. His arrest. Jack looked down at the floor in shame as he thought back to the moment Hiccup mentioned the idea of talking to Rapunzel. He shook his head and said no. "Didn't think so," Craig continued "I figuered you'd leave that to me once your done with her. Craigs face, like his wifes so many years ago, is pure contempt. With his body now at an angle Jack could now see his gun.

Jack saw Craigs face and replied "I'm not going anywhere."

"That's true, Jack Frost, son of Charles Frost. Brother to Emma and Jamie, deceased, suicide by hanging. You're kinda lost aren't you?" He said.

This angered Jack but he tried not to let it show. "I'm the one Rapunzel came to when you use her face as a punching bag." Craig closed the gap between them. They stare at each other before Craig quickly whipped his hands to Jacks neck and push him hard against the wall. Jacks hands claw at his hands and wrists. He made gagging sounds but still look at him with no sign of pleads. His face starts to turn red as he felt his lungs fight for air. "She needs you..." He managed to gasp out. Craigs face softened as he looked down and back to Jack. His eyes then trailed to his hands.

He suddenly let go of Jack and let him fall to the ground gasping for air and coughing harshly. Craig walks to the door and looks at Jack one last time. "You don't deserve her." He said before slamming the door shut. The door bounced on its frame. Jack was left slumped on the ground.


"Jack Frost!" Rapunzel shout as she enter the apartment in a hurry. A smile covered over her face. "Merida is so good!" she exclaimed. She laughed hard and looked at Jack for some type of reaction. She quickly noticed that something was wrong with him. "What's wrong?" she asked with a small smile still on her face.

Jack looked at her with guilt. "You're dad was here." He said. Rapunzel started to panic and her breathing became faster.

"What?" She said quietly.

"There's more..." He interrupted quickly. Rapunzel looked at him with confusion but Jack couldn't look at her in the eyes. "He knew me. Before I met you. He arrested me and Hiccup. He gave me the bruise on my eye." He glanced at Rapunzel and by her facial expression she didn't understand so Jack continued "I mouthed off to him and he responded... Then Hiccup saw you both together at school..." Jack sighed, he was about to tell her his worst regret but also his best decision. "He suggested that I introduce myself to you."

Rapunzel got it. She finally understood as much as she didn't want to. She stood still for what felt like minutes. "I feel sick." she said before rushing to their room. She started shoving things into her bag quickly. "Do you realise what you've done?" she ranted as she grabbed her things. Jack stayed silent and watched her run around in distress. "Do you think that I'd never find out? I mean I had to eventually, you set it up that way."

Jack stumbbled on his words "But- but it doesn't mean anything!" He tried "I didn't mean to hurt you!" he shouted after her.

"No," she said stricktly "That's exactly what you meant to do." she spat at him before heading out the door and, like her father, slamming it behind her.

Rapunzel ran down the stairs and her shoulder bumped into Hiccups. She looked at him coldly. Merida gave a confused look as she glanced between the two. "Prick." Rapunzel spat before turning away and heading out of the building.

Merida looked up at him "What did you do?" She asked him.

Hiccup resonded. "Something terrible."


"You're not supposed to use a metal scrub on a non-stick pan." Craig heard from the living room. He looked up quickly and saw Rapunzel standing there. She looked broken, her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her hands were shaking slightly. "It takes off the teflon, you should let it soak." She finished.

"Okay." Her father said and followed her instructions. They both looked at each other. Simultaneously they both ran to each other and wrapped their arms around the other. they stayed there for what felt like hours. Rapunzel started to cry again.

"Don't cry," Craig said soothingly to her. "You're home now."

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