~Part 15~

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Jack entered his apartment with rage. Rapunzel scurried behind him. Jack quickly put his keys on the table and went towards his bike which was leaning against the wall.

"Jack where are you going?" Rapunzel asked him. She was worried for him, she knew how hard he tried to get his father to Emmas art show. She did feel sorry for him.

"I have something I have to do." He said not looking at her.

"Now?" She asked reaching for his shoulder. Jack pulled away aggressively, almost knocking Rapunzel over in the process.

"Are you capable of taking care of yourself?" He spat at her before turning and heading straight out the door, not bothering to close it behind him. Rapunzel watched him as he pushed his bike down the hallway. She then slammed the door shut and stood there, shocked, angry and upset.


"So you're telling me you get the call at 6," Charles rants to his colleagues. He walks around a large circular table with his hand on his hip whilst his other hand points at people. "but I don't get it until 8 o'clock tonight?" he asks them. He was incredibly annoyed at them for leaving it all to the last minute. He was expecting to have a nice evening with his family but it was rudely interrupted by his work. He wanted a damn good reason for it.

No one answered him so he continued. "Well I don't know what's going on here but if you all think that-" He was cut off by the door bursting open and two figures entering.

"Jack!" Jenny shouted as she followed the angered son into the room.

"Mr. Frost!" Jack shouted gaining everyone's attention. His hair was messier than usual, his tie was nowhere to be seen and his top button was undone, his shirt was untucked and one of his sleeves was rolled up. He was a mess.

Charles raised his hand at Jenny calmly "It's fine Jenny."

Jack ignored everyone in the room and began to create a scene in front of them. "She drew you a picture," He said holding up the picture he had taken from Emma's display. "She drew you a picture and you didn't come." Everyone was silent. No one said anything.

"Put it on the table." Jacks father said simply. He was going to try and prove a point to his colleagues. He wanted them to understand that because of his work, he misses out on precious times with his family. But Jack didn't allow him to make that point. He ignored his request.

"You have a daughter, who sincerely believes that you don't like her." Jack said, trying to get the message through to him. Charles looked around at everyone sat at the table. He began to feel embarrassed, he walked slowly back and fourth on the opposite side of that table. The opposite side from Jack. "I mean, she trying to communicate, she's speaking. But why aren't you listening?" He continued. He began to raise his voice more and more. "Why aren't you riveted?!" He paused and looked up at him, directly into his eyes. "Why is this not the most important thing just for one night!"

All of Charles' colleagues looked at each other and one of them spoke up. "We can come back." He said whilst getting up out of his chair along with everyone else.

"No, no, no, it's fine, sit down." He said calmly gesturing for all of them to sit back down. The followed his orders. Charles took a breath and put his hands in his pocket. "Who's this display for?" He asked Jack.

Jack sighed. His lifted his arms and brought them back down to his sides. He shook his head. "It's for you."

Charles shrugged his shoulders "She knows I'll take care of her."

Jack scoffed at his fathers comment. It wasn't good enough. "And?"

"We really can come back-" someone sat around that table said again. This only annoyed Charles.

"Sit the fuck down now!" He yelled at them. No one wanted to argue with him so they all listened and sat back down again. Charles took a moment to collect himself and looked back up at Jack. "And that I love her." His father answered. "I love her." He confirmed. He really did love her. He loves Jack too, he would do anything for them even if he couldn't show it. He was angered that Jack didn't understand that. He was angered that Jack would even question him about it. "Good god, you toss that word around when you have no idea what it actually means!"

"Maybe I don't," Jack answered back "And maybe Emma doesn't either."

"I have provided her world and yours!" Charles said quickly back at him. It was turning into a real big argument now.

"That doesn't mean you can just shatter it! Whenever you feel like... Whenever there's something better to do!" Jack shouted, stumbling on his words.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!You peddled down here on your bike for Christ sakes! You have to take care of nothing! You responsible for no one! You're a kid!" Charles pointed violently at him from across that table. "Do you think that you're the first person to lose anything?!" Charles paused and waited for an answer. When he didn't get one he continued.

"Do you think that whatever you feel in your heart, I don't also feel in mine?!" Jacks father shouted at him. As silly as it sounds Jack never really thought about that. But in his eyes it still wasn't a good enough excuse. There is no possible excuse for his fathers behavior.

Jack decided to use something against his father that would really give a message to him. "You didn't find him." He started. Charles already knew where this was going and he had to try and fight tears threatening to fall down his cheek. "I found him." At this point Jack didn't really know what he was saying "And you're so... tragically blind," He looked up and him and sighed "That the rest of your children are going to hang themselves on your watch."

Charles couldn't take the words his son was saying, but instead of showing weakness he wanted to be aggressive. He charged for Jack and started walking very fast around the table. Jack also started charging towards him. "You little piece of-"

"Stop!" Jenny shouted and pulled Jack back whilst Charles' colleagues got in between the father and son. "Jack get out of here!" She shouted, trying to resolve the problem. Jack quickly gave up and angrily headed towards the door. He swung the door open and left being sure to slam the door behind him with as much force as he could give.

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