~Part 19~

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Jack and Rapunzel are sat on the doorstep to Jack's house. No one says anything. Jack couldn't stop thinking about all of the mistakes he had made. He thought about Jamie and the mistakes he made with him. Hiccup and the time he hadn't spent with him. His father and the way he acts around him. Emma and the arguments with her. And of course Rapunzel and all of the mistake with her: lying, leading her on, using her, humiliating her. He couldn't stop blaming himself for everything. All he could think about was the horrible actions he had done to lead up to where he is now.

Jack is still smoking and he takes his last breath of smoke before putting it out. "Last one. I promise." He said not looking at Rapunzel in shame.

"I don't care." She said plainly. She didn't want to make any conversation herself. There was a pause between them both and Jack looked to her quickly. In that breif moment he saw her big emerald green eyes, the ones he has been dying to look into. He tried to search for any emotion in them but was unable to read her. He had gotten to know her so well and he could always read her like a book. The emotions are usually as clear as the words on a page. But the word have faded since the had last seen each other.

He needed to say something. 'Sorry' wasn't going to be enough to clear the air. He didn't think any apology would fix this mess. "I know that you didn't come here for me, but thank you for being here." He said. Rapunzel looked at him.

'If only you knew that I am here for you.' she thought. She took a moment to look at him. She had never seen him in such a bad condition. His hair was messy. Not the usual mess that always suited him. It looked like he hadn't taken any care of it for the past week. His eyes were dark and red from restless nights. He looked a lot paler than usual, an unhealthy look. When was the last time he eat something?

Before Rapunzel could say anything Jack started speaking "For what it's worth, I think you're amazing." She looked at him. All of those feelings flooded back to her. All the hate and sadness disappeared and she felt only love. Just then they heard a car door shut. They both looked up to the direction of the sound. Charles was walking quickly towards the house.

"How is she?" He asked Jack quickly, not bothering to greet him. Jack didn't answer quickly enough for Charles' liking. "Huh?"

"She's asleep." He replied with no emotion. Charles went inside immediately leaving them both on their own.


The next day Jack took Emma to school and walked her into class. The lesson had already started so all of the other children became quiet and stared at them as they came in, some were confused and some were smirking. Emma took her seat and began to take her things out of her bag. Jack bent down to meet her level. "You gonna be alright today?" He whispered to her, trying to keep their conversation private. Emma only nodded at her brother although her eyes were brimming.

"Have you done something different with your hair?" a girl asked. Jack looked around at the girl. She had blond hair which was styled professionally and her face was covered in makeup. Jack immediately didn't like her. "I love it." she said sarcastically. She earned a laugh from her fellow classmates. The teacher tried to control the class and told them that was enough. Some of the children however were still giggling.

Jack stood up and scoffed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw an empty desk. He walked up to that desk and threw it across the room. The desk managed to smash through the glass of the classroom door. Glass shattered everywhere and all of the students were shocked, some were scared. Jack felt like he had made his point and stormed out of the classroom. Emma smiled.


"Frost." the officer shouted

Jack had obviously been arrested and put in a room with fellow offenders. He leaned back on the bench with his hands behind his head, a bemused smirk plastered on his face. He jumped up onto his feet after hearing his name. He began to walk towards the exit of the room. He then unexpectedly saw his father. His arms crossed with a disapproving look on his face.


"Destruction of private property and trespassing?" Charles lectured as he walked down the stair of the prison with Jack trailing behind, rolling his eyes occasionally. "I have unleashed a raging shitstorm of epic proportion on the board of trustees of that god damn school that will not go away until those girls seek enrolment elsewhere. I give them a week." He finished. Jack looked at him astonished. He couldn't believe that his father would do something like that. Actually help.

Charles noticed Jacks expression and began to speak "I know that you think I'm a prick but I have my uses." Jack didn't know what to say. He hadn't seen his father like this since Jamie died. But he liked it. He smiled slightly and looked down. "Can you come by my office tomorrow morning to meet with the lawyers?"

Jack takes a moment to decide before nodding at his father. He then turned and almost skipped down the stairs of the building. His father shouted after him "Try not to vandalise anymore schools in the meantime!"

"Thanks for bailing me out!" Jack shouted back.

Charles heard the door to the exit shut. "No problem." he said to himself.


Hello! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! 🎄

The song at the start is just a song that I love and suits Jackunzel. I think so anyway 💝

Well this story is coming to an end. I think there will be one or two more chapters left. I'll be sad to see it finish but I've got a lot more stories waiting. Too many to be honest 😂

Till next time!

Always_Dreaming_xoxo 😊❤️

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