~Part 5~

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Jack was seated at his normal diner, at his normal table again. He was writing in his journal to Jamie again.

Hey Jamie, do you remember that Greek myth you read to me about the god who banished his children to the underworld and his youngest, to get even castrated him with a sickle. It's a little excessive maybe but... I get it.


Emma was making her way out of school to meet her brother, when a group of girls came up to her and whispered something in her ear. Emma's face crumbled and she had to stop herself from letting tears fall from her eyes whilst the girls snicker behind her.

"Emma, we have to go to surgery right now." Jack said grabbing her small arms. Emma knew that her brother was joking and showing off to everyone outside her school and giggled next to him as they both walked away. Emma looked up at her brother and noticed all the cuts and bruises on his face.

"What did you do to your face?" she asked, you could her a small hint of laughter in her voice when she asked him.

"I had a horrible, threshing accident," He played with her "It was horrible."

"It was so horrible." Emma said sarcastically. They both stopped as Jack went to unlock his bike, chained to the school gates. "You're so retarded."

Jack unlocked his bike but before setting off again he knelt down and opened his back pack. "Hey I got you something." He said. He pulled out a book for her. "This was my favorite book ever, Jamie used to hit me over the head with it repeatedly until I read it." He passed the book over to her and she began to flick through it "It's about all these Gods and Goddess who would roam around earth acting jealous and petty, otherwise like regular human beings. The illustrations are pretty cool." He finished knowing his sisters passion for art.

"Yeah, these are cool." she confirmed. Giggles were heard from behind them, they both turned to see the group of girls who had spoken to Emma earlier. Jack looked at Emma and saw her facial expression drop. However she ignored it "Where are we meeting mum?" She asked, trying to distract herself from the other girls.

"The park." Jack answered quickly wanting to get to the subject of the girls behind them. "What's up with these girls?" He said slightly gesturing towards them.

Emma took a breath before answering "They think I'm weird, "Sometime I sort of space out."

"What when you're drawing?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. Other times too." She said. They both began walking down the street again. "Madam Fleischman had to snap her fingers a lot at me today and everyone laughed. They all think I'm a freak of nature." Emma glanced over her shoulder to look at the girls in the distance, almost to make sure they didn't hear her.

"Je m'appelle 'Freak of Nature'" Jack teased and Emma smirked. "Oh dear, Sacre bleu. French toast."

Emma scoffed at her older brothers behavior and quickly changed the subject. "What are you gonna tell mum about your face." She asked smiling.

Jack smirked at her mischievously "I finally found something I'm good at."


"I know by ever numerical measurement I didn't pass but," Hiccup begged. He was following his teacher out of the school entrance trying to persuade her to help him out a little. "What I was hoping was that maybe you could give me a pass on my trying to pass. My commitment to effort! My... My commitment to commitment... Since the semester is almost over." He continued to beg. He got in front of his teacher to stop her from going any further.

Craig's car pulled up at the entrance of the school, very close to Hiccup.

Hiccup glanced over quickly but noticed the detective in his car and also noticed the pretty blonde girl in the car with him give him a small kiss on the cheek. "Er..." Hiccup tried to continue but was distracted by the detective and girl. "Patricia! Can I call you Patricia?" He asked not really caring about the answer anyway.


He continued anyway "Life is all about people and i-it about what people put- put into people" He stutter, still distracted. "A-And I wanna put something into you." He stopped for a slight moment realizing what he had just said and quickly saved himself "I mean I don't wanna put anything into you. What I mean is..." He saw the girl get out and head into the school. He decided to follow her but he had to get away from the teacher first. "Er... thanks Patricia, your an angle Patrica an angle!" He yelled whilst heading to let entrance to follow the detectives daughter.


"He has got a daughter!" Hiccup shouted at Jack who was sat in his bedroom, slamming his bag onto the floor.

"Who's got a daughter?" Jack asked simply, not really bothered about what Hiccup was saying.

"The cop!..." Hiccup waited for a response but got nothing from Jack. "The cop who busted your face all up, he's got a daughter!" He exclaimed as if it were obvious with what he was getting at.

"What do you want me to do? Kidnap her?" Jack asked sarcastically, not understanding what Hiccup was trying to point out.

"Wha- Of course not! We don't have closet space for that." He said. Jack chuckled quietly as Hiccup continued. "Got introduce yourself! Take her on a few date, you know? Be your usual charming self and then flip the script on her!" He said. He really hadn't thought this through.

"Flip the script?"

"Screw her brains out... Make her call you daddy I don't know! Just steal her panties and post them on Ebay. Be creative!" Hiccup ushered.

"You should be incarcerated. Just in general principle." Jack said standing up and walking past Hiccup into the living room. He thought Hiccups idea was the definition of stupid.

"I was incarcerated if you might remember. Just tell me you don't wanna get back at this asshole and I'll drop it."

Jack took up that offer very quickly. "I don't want to get back at this asshole." He stated simply.

"Just meet her." Hiccup begged.

"I don't wanna meet her"

"She's cute.." Hiccup said hoping to change Jacks mind.

"I don't care." Jack said sitting down on the dirty couch in their apartment.

"You meeting her." Hiccup said, done with trying to persuade Jack and decided to force him.

"I'm not meeting her" Jack said still not changing his mind.

"Yeah you are."

"No I'm not."

"Are too." Hiccup said like a child wanting to prove himself right. "Look just meet her."

Jack had gotten sick of Hiccups constant begging and looked down knowing that this was a really bad idea.


Hey! Sorry again for not updating yesterday I was really busy. Also I wanna apologise for making Hiccup's character the way he is. I wanted to use him as Jacks best friend but he needed to have these characteristics. Also sorry for the kind of gross and inappropriate things said by him.

Next chapter is going to be a lot better compared to the rest! I'm sorry for the boring chapters, they should get a lot better soon.

Thanks guys!


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