~Part 13~

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Craig sits at his desk. His head down. He's sat alone in his office. Sergeant Craig Corona is written at the front of his desk. Paperwork is piled at one side that hasn't been touched for days. He sits in silence, the only sound is the sounds of muffled phones ringing, computer keyboards typing and people having light conversations outside of his office.

It has been a week since Craigs argument with Rapunzel and he hasn't been able to stop thinking about it since. He can still hear the echo of his hand colliding with Rapunzels cheek. He can still remember the words both him and Rapunzel had said that day. He kept on thinking about what he should have said more than what he did say.

"Craig..." He was interrupted from his deep thoughts by Leo. He had silently opened his door and was stood in the door frame. Craig looked up at him and sighed. He leaned back into his chair.

"What is it Leo?" He asked. Leo took that as permission to enter his office. He shut the door behind him and headed to his desk. He didn't take a seat, he just stood there.

"Rapunzel called." He said simply.

Craig sat up in his chair, eager to know what she had said. "What?" He said in disbelief. He had never been away from Rapunzel for this long. He acted as though she had been missing for years and he had finally found her, even though it was only a phone call.

"She said to tell you, she's with friends and she's doing fine." Leo said quickly to satisfy his sergeant.

"What friends?" Craig asked.

"She didn't say." Leo replied back. Craig sunk back into his chair. He had a feeling that he wasn't going to see his daughter anytime soon. Regret immediately come flooding back into him. He missed his daughter.

He missed her a lot.


Everyone surrounds the birthday boy sat at the table. Most of the have cameras out videoing or taking picture of the event. A big cake is place on the table with 22 burning candles sticking out. Jack takes a deep breath before attempting to blow out all of the candles. Because of the amount of candles he had to take another breath before managing to blow out all of them. Everyone around the table then began to clap and cheer like children for him. Jack looked around the table. Emma was sat next to their mother, who was sat next to Jacob at the head of the table (opposite Jack) Hiccup was then sat next to Rapunzel who was cheering for Jack childishly, which Jack thought was cute.

After everyone had eaten Hiccup was sat on the couch with Jack whilst everyone else was talking or dancing. "So I asked Merida out." Hiccup said randomly.

"Who?" Jack asked failing to remember the girl Hiccup had been talking about over the past couple of days.

Hiccup sighed and gave Jack a look of annoyance. "You know. The red head I've been banging on about!" He said. Jack let out a sound of realization as he remembered the girl Hiccup is addicted to. "Yeah I asked her out yesterday and she agreed. you'll meet her by the end of the week." Hiccup said confidently.

"You sound very confident." Jack pointed out at him. Hiccup just smirked before pulling himself off the couch to join the others dancing.

Jack was alone for a moment, watching everyone else happy when his mother approached him and sat down next to him. She didn't say anything for a while but she eventually said something to him. "Jack I'm worried." She said unexpectedly. Jack gave her a confused look. She then continued to explain. "I'm worried that your father won't come to Emmas art exhibit."

Jack sighed before lighting a cigarette. "Yeah I've been worrying about that too."

"You know you're supposed to say something reassuring." His mother said sarcastically.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him..." Jack said.

"Really?" His mother asked happily.

"Yeah... I'll talk to him." He confirmed he knew that it was going to be a very uncomfortable conversation.


Jenny entered her boss' office. There were many people sat around his desk, all in business suits. Each of them had a bundle of papers in their hands, and everyone was looking through them quickly. "Charles." She called. He looked up at her and nodded. "It's your son." She said simply. Charles kept on looking at her expecting her to carry on. "On the phone."

Charles looked towards his work phone and pressed a button. "Jack, you're on speaker phone." He said before continuing to look through his work. He was trying to hint to Jack not to say anything unnecessary in front of potential buyers.

"Yeah, I'm calling about Emmas art show." Jack said quickly into the phone. He was standing outside the house with his mobile stuck to his ear.

"What about it?" Charles said rather loudly. He was attempting to hurry the conversation up. Jack was about to reply but what interrupted "Hold on..."

Jack silently shouted down the phone, angered by his father. But he was attempting to keep himself calm. "Yes Jack." Charles said after a while.

"I was wondering if you wanna go for dinner before hand." Jack said plainly.

Charles took a moment before answering. "Yes... Yes that sounds fine. I'll book us somewhere nice like, I don't know, The Oakroom." He said placing his papers down.

Jack shut his eyes "No that's not what I meant-" He began but was interrupted by his father yet again.

"How many?" He asked. Jack was getting annoyed with his father. He was trying to invite him for dinner at his place. He was tired of going to posh restaurants all the time. "Jack how many?" Charles repeated annoyed that Jack wasn't answering him.

Jack looked up through the window into his mothers living room and saw Rapunzel stood there laughing sweetly. "Three." Jack finally replied.

Charles nodded to himself before picking up the phone to talk to Jack privately. "It's 22 today isn't it?" He asked him quietly.

Jack looked around the street uncomfortably "Yeah..." He said.

"Happy Birthday." His father said to him.

Jack looked at the ground "Yeah, thanks." He said with no emotion laced in his voice. Charles breathed in before hanging up the phone to his son.

Jack removed his phone from his ear. He stood there for a while and then looked up. He looked up at Jamie and closed his eyes in relief that the conversation went well.


Hello! I'm still doing exams at the moment but they all finish at the end of this week so I'll have plenty of time to write you all new chapters. 😁

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Thank you! xx

Always_Dreaming_xoxo 😊❤️

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