~Part 8~

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Rapunzel was walking down the street with Jack beside her. They had both finished their meal and Rapunzel ultimately won. She had her dessert first. Jack didn't want to take the risk of guilt hanging over him if she was to die before her dessert.

"I had a nice time." Rapunzel said. She wasn't lying, she really did have a nice time with Jack. When Jack asked her on a date she was expecting a lot worse from him.

Jack thought to himself 'This girl is one of a kind, why let the night end'

"Oh yeah?" He asked he turned in front of her and walked backwards while she walked forward. "You had a nice time? Or are you having a nice time?"

Rapunzel smiled at him. He was mischievous but she liked that, it was like that mischievous part of him completed his whole personality.

"Because if you're having a nice time, why rush to end it?" He said and smirked as an idea popped into his head.


Jack had taken Rapunzel to a fair that was close to the restaurant. They were at a basketball stall and Jack was attempting to score at least one basket before giving up.

He took another shot and missed. Again.

The attendant was cheering Jack on. He was clearly just in it for the money and attempted to get as much as he could off of the white haired boy. "Oh! Come on, come on! Win something for the pretty lady!" He said.

Rapunzel, enjoying the sight of Jack miss, went along with the attendant "Yeah erm," she looked around the prizes hanging at the stall and saw the biggest panda, she grinned "I want the Panda." she finished, pointing to the large stuffed panda.

Jack laughed slightly whilst sighing "How many for the panda?" he asked the attendant.


Jack tried again but missed "Maybe we should just move on." Rapunzel said with a smile, seeing if Jack would give in so easily.

"No way! Otherwise he wins." Jack said preparing himself for another shot.

"Who the attendant?" Rapunzel asked laughing.

"The giant freaking panda!" He yelled and violently threw the ball at the target.

"Hey, hey take it easy." The attendant said.

"Sorry sorry, one more load come on" Jack said slamming more money on the counter for the attendant.


"I don't know what you're smiling at" Rapunzel said as she and Jack slowly walked away from the fair.

Jack showed a hurt face before stating obviously "I won"

Rapunzel scoffed before turning to him "Er paying off the attendant is not winning, it's cheating" She said hugging the panda closer to her smirking. Jack just shrugged his shoulder and smiled. "By the way when are you gonna tell me what the hell happened to your face?" She asked.

Jack immediately felt guilt rise through him, remembering the whole reason why he asked her on a date in the first place. "I got into a street fight" not wanting to be asked anymore questions he quickly changed the subject. "Hey do you- I don't know wanna go for a drink or something?" Jack asked. Rapunzel opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by him. "Oh no, wait you can't you're too young." He said remembering the age she had told him.

A small smile came across Rapunzel's face "I'm 21."

Jack looked at her confused, he was sure she had said 19 "No you're not. D-Did you lie?" He asked her.

"I was trying to get rid of you" She said leaning into her panda.

Jack looked at her in disbelief "Wow that's- that hurt. I'm wounded" He said holing his hand to his heart. Rapunzel giggled and buried her face in her panda.

Rapunzel looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back. A small blush came across Rapunzel's face and she quickly tried to hid it from him. "Well it getting late so I should probably..." She moved her head sideways signalling to go.

"Oh yeah I'll walk you to the subway"

Rapunzel quickly stopped him "Ah no that's OK. I'll take a cab, I never take the subway." Jack nodded and waved to a cab coming by. The cab pulled over and Jack held open the door for Rapunzel. She placed her bag and the panda in the cab and came out to face Jack. Jack then leaned in for a kiss but Rapunzel pulled away slightly. "Not tonight..." She said. Jack looked down slightly in disappointment. "Not- not never just not tonight." She said trying not to upset him.

"Are we going or what?" The cab driver shouted annoyed.

"Turn on the meter!" Rapunzel yelled back. Jack leaned on the side of the cab next to Rapunzel.

"So dessert before dinner for fear of death...yes, getting into a cab at night sitting beside a panda you only just met... yes," Rapunzel giggled at his comment "But kissing a guy you seem to be attracted to, at least, no?" He challenged her.

Rapunzel considered for a moment before grabbing the side of Jacks face and turning it towards her before giving him a quick but tender kiss. She pulled away and gave him a look. "You're really weird." She said before hopping into the cab and driving off. Leaving a stunned Jack behind.


The school bell rang whilst Jack was waiting outside for his younger sister. Emma came skipping out of school to see her big brother. "Happy end of sixth grade!" He said to her before heading to the park.

"Finally." She muttered to him.

At the park Emma was walking along some benches with Jack pushing his bike. "I got into that art programme." She said breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah I heard." Jack responded.

"It's very prestigious due to my artistic greatness" Se said back.

Jack chuckled "Don't pretend you're not proud. You should be."

"There's like this thing..." Emma started to say sheepishly.

"A thing?" Jack said. He knew his sister wanted something.

"Yeah, were you show what you've done and stuff. Will you come?" She asked him.

Jack stopped and pull off his backpack "I'll have to check my book- Abso-freaking-lutely!" He teased "Are you kidding me? I'll be there the night before, I'm gonna camp out." He said making Emma laugh.

"You're schools over right?" Emma asked. Jack already knew what she was going to say.

"Mum rented out the beach house again?" He asked, saving her the effort of telling him.

"Yep," She said popping the 'p' "What are we gonna do for your birthday?" she asked.

"Nothing." Jack said. It was going to be his 22nd birthday and he didn't feel like celebrating that.

"Can we have a party?" Emma begged "A little one, at mum's, with Hiccup, I'll make mum behave, No crying!" She pleaded and bargained with him.

Jack laughed at his sisters behaviour "Like that's even possible."

Emma smiled.


Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for the really late update. I've been so busy and it's only gonna get worse for me. 😒

I also forgot to mention earlier on but the amazing cover was done by kellyclarito ! Thank you so so much I love it! 😘

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Vote, comment and spread the word!

Always_Dreaming_xoxo 😊❤️

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