~Part 1~

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10 years later

In a dirty apartment a boy sits outside his window smoking a cigarette, ignoring the phone in his small room ring. After 5 rings the white haired boy stands up and climbs back through his window, placing his beer bottle down in the process. He leans over and answers the phone seen as his lazy room mate has not awoken from his long sleep to answer it himself.

"Hello?" He answers in a low voice. He sighs and begins to collect his smart shirt and trousers. "15 minutes" He confirms before hanging up the phone. He opens his door whilst trying to put his shoes on and goes down to his dirty car, covered with beer bottles and empty cigar packets.

He slowly drives towards the cemetry where he sees his family waiting for him, standing in front of a clean gravestone. He gets out of his car and heads up the hill towards them. "How are you mum?" He asks whilst giving her a quick hug. She gives his a quick kiss on his cheek and hugs him back, trying not to ruin the flowers in her hand.

"I'm good" She replies solemnly to her son.

"How you doing, Jacob? Good to see you again" He says to his mothers new husband. Jacob was a very nice man and not the step father that people would think as horrible. He made it clear that he wasn't trying to replace anyone.

The pale boy moves down the line of people and crouches down to meet the level of his younger sister Emma. "Thanks for the wake up call maestro." He whispered into her small ear, then placing a small kiss on her head.

She looked up at him and whispered "You smell like alcohol and cigarettes."

A very small smirk came onto his face as he stood up straight and looked towards the grave, completely ignoring the last figure stood behind Emma.

"You couldn't wear a tie?" The person asked him. He was wearing a smart suit and tie and his hair was brushed back neatly unlike the boy in front of him whos hair was unkempt and pointed out in different directions.

"I could've." The boy said back plainly to his professional father. The boy watched as his younger sister stepped forward and placed a new stone she had painted onto the top of the grave the entire family faced.


The family were all seated around a table in a small cafe. There was an akward silence between them all.

"This is nice," The boys mother said, attempting to break the silence surrounding them "Jamie would like that we still do this." She added on. The boy looked down at the table as memories of his older brother come rushing through his mind. silence overtook the family again and the boys mother was determined not to keep it this way. "Emma, did you tell Jack what your art teacher said about your painting?" She asked the young girl sitting across from her.

Jack then shifted his body towards the little girl sitting next to him, eager to know. "Mum." the brown haired girl said embarassed at her mothers eagerness.

"Tell him." she said kindly towards her young daughter.

Emma sighed and chuckled a little before looking at her brother next to her "She said I captured the moment like a young Van Gogh" she said in defeat.

"Well thank god she said young because the older Van gogh..." Jack started "He went mad when he got older," He continued getting a small laugh out of his sister "I mean, you don't wanna cut your ear off to do you?" He said playfully.

"She reccomended to put Emma into an art exhibition down at the local museum, which is... huge" Jacks mother said proudly gesturing towards Emma.

"Incredible." Jacob added, happy for Emma even if she may not be his daughter.

"I'm going to do a drawing call 'my brother and his favourite cigarette'." Emma said with a smirk looking up towards her older brother. "And since I'd be the youngest person ever practically to be suggested-"

"Jack, could you please pass the sugar." Her father interrupted, looking at Jack expecting him to immediately pass the sugar. Jack stared at his father for a moment in disbelief, shocked at how he could rudely change the subject. Seeing that Jack wasn't going to pass the sugar anytime soon, his mother passed the sugar to him, however Jack had other thoughts. He grabbed the sugar and moved it back out of reach from his father.

"We still have a few more minutes left on the clock dad, just a few more seconds..." Jack said to him spitefully but no enough to upset Emma or his mother.

"Emma is perfectly capable of speaking up if she is feeling slighted in anyway," he began, He spoke proper and his voice had no sign of guilt for interrupting the young girl. "Have I slighted you in anyway Emma?" He asked her in a patronising way.

"No," Emma hesitated "I'm ok." Jacks dad leaned back on the chair, acting like he had won the argument and motioned for Jack to compete with Emmas answer.

"I didn't mean to change the subject" Their father added.

"What was the subject?" Jack challenged, certain that his father wasn't listening to the conversation they were all having before.

"Excuse me." His father said quite sternly. His father was known for having a short temper.

"The subject we were discussing, what was it?" He said again, not effected in anyway by his fathers remark.

"Now if not the time for your heroics Jack." Jacks father, Charles said.

"Actually now is the perfect time" Jack laughed, not feeling threatened by Charles' tone. Jack had decided he had, had enough of the conversation with his arrogant father. "Alright" he said standing up from the table "I gotta go" He added, not caring about the protests his mother made. "Emma do you want me to take you anywhere?"

"It's alright, I'll stay with mum" she answered, not wanting to cause any trouble for anyone.

"Alright I'll see you soon." Jack said walking out of the cafe. As Jack was walking away, Charles stood up from his seat and reached over the table to collect the sugar and sat back down, disregarding the whole drama that the family had just bared.


Hey! I've decided that I'm going to try and write both this story and my other one, which is probably a bad idea but I'm going to try it anyway 😂

Thank you so much for the support you are all giving me. I am very greatful and you will never know how much your votes and comments mean to me xx 😘

Always_Dreaming_xoxo 😊❤️

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