~Part 6~

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Jack sighed as he stood in the school cafe with Hiccup. After Hiccup begged him to meet this girl he finally gave in and agreed. Only to get Hiccup to shut up. "This is one of those thing... that I'm already regretting." he said as Hiccup looked around the room eagerly for the blonde he had seen the day before.

"Look she was here the other day." Hiccup said, determined not to give up.

"I don't care." Jack stated "What do you expect me to say 'Hey doll face you dad trampled all over me, wanna-wanna make out with me?'" He said with a hint of anger and sarcasm laced in his tone of voice.

Hiccup looked at him with disgust on his face "Don't call her doll face," He said almost ignoring everything else Jack had just said "moron."

"I'm leaving." Jack said beginning to walk away from Hiccup however Hiccup grabbed his arm before he could go anywhere.

"Wait wait there she is" He said quickly relieved that he had found her before Jack left.

Jack looked over to the girl he was referring to and got a good look at her features, and he couldn't deny how beautiful she was. She big emerald green eyes that anyone could get lost in. They were full of curiosity and imagination. She was a cute peach color and her skin looked so soft and perfect. Her hair was a beautiful golden blonde color that looked so silky and smooth. Her hair was very long and, even though she was sitting down, Jack could tell that it trailed down just to her waist. "I-I know her," Jack said stuttering a little. "Well I don't know her but she's in my-my Global Politics class."

Hiccup looked over at him and smiled "There you go! Something to open up with." He then pushed Jack slightly towards the beautiful girl. Jack looked back at him and he put him thumbs up for reassurance. Jack walked slowly towards the table the girl was reading at. He was about to walk past the table but stopped himself and looked down at the girl.

"Excuse me," He said. The girl looked up at the boy stood in front of her. When she saw him she couldn't ignore how handsome he was. He had amazing diamond blue eyes any girl would swoon over. He had pale white skin that would give anyone the impression of a cold atmosphere. He had messy yet perfect hair that pointed up in random places, his hair was a mysterious white color that definitely made him stand out from the crowd. She also noticed all of the cuts and bruises that covered his face. "Can I bother you for a sec?" He asked. His voice was deep but she could hear the fun hidden underneath it.

"You're already bothering me." She said gesturing to her book that she was reading before being interrupted. Her voice was serious, Jack could tell that she didn't like to be bothered when reading. He could also hear the sweetness tucked in her angelic voice.

Jack just smiled at her before continuing "I was doing this sociological experiment and I was wondering if you could help me out for a second."

Rapunzel looked at him with slight disbelief "Y-you're kidding me right?" She asked.

Jack paused for a moment trying to think of what else to say. "Can I ask your name?"

The blonde looked around contemplating on whether to tell him or not "Anonymous" she said smartly.

"Anonymous, is that Greek?" He asked but got no reaction from the girl sat in front of him.

Jack smirked and looked to the floor before carrying on "OK Anonymous," He then turned and looked behind him "Can you see that guy sitting over there?" He said referring to Hiccup "Pretending to read a textbook, looking in this general direction."

The girl looked over and saw Hiccup staring at them "Yeah he's staring at us. Subtle" She said sarcastically.

"I have this theory that an objective party, such as yourself could determine how much of and asshole he his just by looking at him." The girl looks up at him waiting for more "You see I'm his roommate and I think I've experienced to many glaring examples of..." He paused trying to think of what to say "assaholic behavior that I'm biased on the subject and I'm convinced that he has an aura that people can actually perceive. So take a good look at him and tell me what you think."

The blonde paused for a minute looking from Jack to Hiccup and then back to Jack and studied him. "And who else do you plan on asking?" She asked trying to call his bluff.

Jack leaned on the chair on the other side of the table and looked around before answering "I don't know. Not many other people here fit that criteria: Female, attractive, early twenties-"

"Ah nineteen." She said tutting afterwards to show her disappointment sarcastically.

"Teens. Teens I-I can do teens," He paused and realized that his tactic wasn't working very well. "Well you typically get something for taking part in the survey but I ran out of my foam fingers a while back." He said looking towards the floor regretting what he was about to say "So can I maybe, I don't know take you out to dinner some time?" She looked at him with no expression "Or you could just go out with me on the off chance that one of us says something interesting."

Rapunzel quickly answered back "Well unlucky for you but I don't date sociology experts."

"Lucky for you I'm undecided." He said back. He wasn't lying, Jack really had no idea what he wanted to do.

"About what?" she asked, challenging him.

He paused for a moment and took in a breath before smiling at the girl "Everything."

The girl bit her lip, charmed by the mysterious boy in front of her. Out of all the boys that had asked her out she had never experienced anything like she has just now. She then stuck her hand out towards Jack for him to shake "I'm Rapunzel." She said.

Jack took that as a yes and accepted her hand "Rapunzel" He said wanting to test how her name sounded coming from his mouth. "I'm Jack."


There you go! They have finally met! I really loved making this chapter for you guys and couldn't wait to post it! I hope you all enjoyed that and I will post again as soon as I can.

Thank you xx


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