~Part 20~

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Warning!- This chapter contains historical content that some readers may find upsetting. Readers discretion is advised. I apologise if any of this causes any upset or offence to anyone.

Emma climbs the tall statue that she and Jack always visit. She has always gone there after school when Jack picks her up. She jumps down from the statue to find a new way up to climb it.

Once her feet hit the ground she waves and says "Hi." cheerfully before running back up to the statue.

Rapunzel smiled at the young girl and said "Hi." back, loud enough for her to hear over the other children's voices. Rapunzel turned back to Jack and they started walking down to the river close by. Jack had asked Rapunzel to come and talk to him. Last time they saw each other they were almost back to normal. They last met at the coffee shop where they had first met. Jack acted like it was the first time, Rapunzel thought it was cute. She had decided to meet him again. She did want to fix their relationship. But it was difficult after everything that had happened. Rapunzel did realise though that Jack had a tough life. She never realised how hard it truly was for him.

"Using your little sister is a dirty method." She said as they walked together. She wasn't an idiot and she could see right through Jacks plan to keep her with him. He knew that she would never start a scene in front of his sister. That's why he asked her to meet today, at exactly this time, in exactly this place.

"Is it working?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Maybe." She said with a smirk. They stopped at the end of the river. They were both stood silently staring at the beautiful view in front of them. They both looked at each other in sync. They could both read each other they both knew that the other wanted to hold them, to hug them until the end of time, kiss each other like they were the only people in the world. They slowly leaned into each other. Jack had his head down to reach her lips whilst she stood up onto her tip-toes. Their lips locked onto each other.

Everything around them ceased to exist. They couldn't hear the children's laughter anymore. They couldn't hear the sound of bells from cyclists or the gentle flow of the river. Rapunzel wrapped her arms around Jacks neck and he placed his around her waist. They stayed like that for what felt like forever until they both pulled away and rested their heads against each other. "I've been waiting so long to do that." Jack said and smiled. Rapunzel giggled and pulled him in for another kiss.


Jack leans over Rapunzel's body as she sleeps. The sunlight shines on his bare back blocking it from Rapunzel's body. "Hey... hey," he whispers quietly and caring. Rapunzel groans as she is woken from her sleep. Her eyes remain shut as she turns in their bed. "I'll be back in an hour, I've got to go to my dads office." Rapunzel just nods her head. Jack kisses it gently. "I love you." He said into her ear. Rapunzel's eyes opened and she met Jacks.

"I love you." she said back. He smiled at her and pushed himself up. He began o head out when he heard Rapunzel shout after him "French toast or pancakes?" she asked.

He smiled at her cuteness "I don't care." He said grabbing the door handle.

"French toast." He heard Hiccup groan from the sofa.

"Alright buddy," he laughed "that's fine as long as you remember me." He finished before heading out of the door.


Jack was pushing his bike towards his fathers work. He looked up at the tall skyscraper when his phone began to buzz. He pulled it out and saw his father calling and answered. "You're cancelling all together or you're running late." He said straight away.

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