~Part 2~

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After leaving the family, Jack went to the diner near his apartment. He didn't order anything but the staff knew him well enough by now that he never orders anything. He sat in his booth, the one that he and Jamie always sat at, and pulled out his diary. It wasn't the typical Dear Diary most people expect when they hear the word Diary. Jack uses it to relieve stress, yes he writes down his thought but it's more personal thoughts than the 'I hate him' thoughts.

One of the waitresses who had worked at the diner for a long time came up to Jack and put a bacon sandwhich in front of him. "Eat something." She said before walking off. Jack watched her as she walked past and a small grin came on his face, knowing that the people who worked there cared about him. Jack continued writing.

Gandhi said that' whatever you do in life will be insignificant but it's very important that you do it' I tend to agree with the first part. Jamie, you know what day I'm talking about. You once told me that our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch. Is that true for everybody, or is it just poetic bullshit?


"I sold your girlfriend a toothbrush" Jacks room mate said to him. They were both walking down the street heading towards their college. Jacks room mate was smaller than him, but not by a lot. He had shaggy brown hair and was skinny but still rather muscular.

"You sold my who a toothbrush?" Jack asked back, expecting something really stupid to come out of his room mates mouth.

"You know your girlfriend, unsuspecting, delightfully oblivious ginger you left in your bed yesterday" He said, as if it were obvious. Jack pulled out a cigarette for himself and his room mate and handed one over to him. "Yeah I sold her a toothbrush." He continued proudly. "I got £3"

"Congratulations" Jack said sarcastically whilst lighting his cigar.

"I'm thinking about starting some sort of buissness with it. You know, anyone who I found hopeless in your bed I'll sell them a toothbrush, or my bed no I think of it." He said. Jack scoffed and looked at his ridiculous room mate.

"You think women would buy that with actual money?" Jack asked with another scoff.

"Okay. Yeah. You know what? Fine. Be cynical. But think about it," His room mate said with seriousness written across his face "at one point in history, two people had a conversation, a lot like this one about the lightbulb." Jack raised his eyebrow, concerned to where this conversation was heading "One went on to fame and fortune, the other probably went to work at Maccie D's or something." He finished, then carried on walking down to school. Jack just looked at him and chuckled before running to catch up with his room mate, Hiccup.


"In the wake of recent terrorist attacks, do you guys think that there is a place for discussion about ethics?," Jacks Global Polotics teacher went on. Jack wasn't really paying attention to the lesson. "When we are talking about the route causes of terrorism?"

"Isn't that a moral question not an ethical one?" A blond girl asked from the crowd of students. Jack looked at her and suddenly became interested in the class disscussion.

"How so?" The teacher asked, as if challenging the blond girl.

"Well moral is defying personal character." She stated.

"And ethical?"

"The standards of behaviour expected by a group." She continued.

"And do you think that personal character is more important?" The teacher asked.

"Absolutely." She said with confidence in her voice. Jack slightly nodded his head at the blond, 'smart girl' he thought.


Emma had finished school, and it was always Jacks job to collect her. Jack took her to her favourite statue that most children go to play on and hang out after school. Jack sat on the statue once again, smoking.

"Can we make this a non-smoking statue?" A women asked Jack whilst dragging her daughter away from the statue and walking off with sophistication in her step.

Emma went over to Jack with a smirk on her face "Yeah Jack, can we make this a non-smoking statue?" she said repeting the womens words to mock him. Jack smiled at his little sisters remark. "You promised you'd quit." She added, not like she cared. Of course she cared for her brothers well being but she wasn't necessarily bothered about what he did.

"I know" Jack replied to her, putting the cigar back in his mouth to tease his younger sister. He then throw it away to satisfy the brown haired girl.

"Why doesn't dad wanna like, listen to me?" She asked, as if she has been meaning to ask that for a long time.

"Dad loves you." He said trying to reassure her. But Emma being Emma doesn't give up that easily.

"So?" she started, she always found something to argue about "You can love someone and not wanna spend time with them."

"Yeah you got that right" Jack sad, refering to the time he lost with his older brother, Jamie.

"Mum loves Aunt Caroline but at Christmas last year she wouldn't let Jacob sleep in a room with her, she said that there would be a unexplainable murder if she did sleep in the same room as him." Emma said and chuckled.

"That's because Aunt Caroline drink and does very stupid stuff when she drinks." Jack clarified for her. "You don't drink do you?" He asked, obviously knowing the answer.

"I'm 11" She stated and giggled at her brothers silly question.

"So why would anyone want to avoid you?" He then asked in all seriousness.

"Jamie used to drink" she said. Jack looked up towards the river near the statue both he and Emma were on.

"That's because Jamie was 21," He said sadly "When you're 21 drinking is new and exciting and everyone does it." He realised that the mood was upsetting and didn't want to upset Emma so he said something remotely funny "Aunt Caroline drinks because she wishes she was 21."

"You're 21" She said, like she never wanted the conversation to end with her brother. Jack hopped down from the statue to show Emma that the conversation had ended.


Hey x sorry for the dull chapter, just though I should introduce some of the main people and give a little backstory.

If you don't understand Jacks Diary and what he said about Ghandi please ask. It is rather confusing and I heard about it in my English class and decided to use it for the added emotion 😂

Thanks guys xx you're the best! 💝

Always_Dreaming_xoxo 😊❤️

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