Chapter 2

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[Reader's POV]

"How is there not anything on him?" I ask myself as I scroll through the depths of the internet, on a search for Jung Hoseok. I scroll past a few articles dating back a few years but nothing relating to the Jung Hoseok that I'm looking for.

It had been hours since I came home from work and ever since I had walked through the door, I sat my ass down at the kitchen counter and got to work. So far there hasn't been anything on him which was making me not only frustrated but extremely exhausted.

"Y/n I'm ho- Jesus what the hell happened to you?" My roommate, Lisa, asks. I look up from my computer screen to look at her, my eyes dark due to the lack of sleep.

"Namjoon gave me a suspect to go out and find so I'm trying to find some more information on him, nothing has come up and I've been staring at this computer screen for four hours straight."

Lisa sighs and throws her bag onto the ground as she walks over and shuts my computer. "Go to bed its," Lisa looks over at the clock. "Two in the morning and you have work tomorrow." I stand up from my seat at the counter, my butt finally gaining its feeling again.

"I can walk to my own room Lisa, no need to help me like I'm some old lady." I say to Lisa as she grabbed onto my arm to help me. Lisa lets go of my arm and lets me walk tiredly to my room. 

I change into a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt before throwing myself onto my bed. Of course as soon as my body had hit the bed all the tiredness from earlier disappears and I was wide awake.

My mind was running a hundred miles per hour at the thought of what tomorrow brings. I was curious to where Namjoon will be letting us off at but for special missions like this, he gives us coordinates. Maybe Gwangju where we're most likely to find him.

I toss and turn in my bed groaning. "Why is it that every time I lay down to go to bed I have energy? This is complete bull-"

"Go to bed or so help me Y/n!" I hear Lisa yell from her bedroom. I roll my eyes and roll over to my right side, finally falling asleep.


The moment cold water poured all over my body was the moment Lisa had asked for a death wish. At the moment we were running all over the apartment, while she screamed considering I was basically a walking slip and slide.

"You're so asking for it!" I yell as she dodges me by jumping over the couch. "Why did you do that? It is five-thirty in the morning!" I exclaim. Lisa skids in her tracks and stares at me with a scared look.

"All I did was get you up for work!" She exclaims. I sigh and look down at my feet. Lisa loses her tense posture and stands up straight to look at me. "Besides, Namjoon had called early asking me to get you up and that man scares me sometimes so I wasn't going to go against him."

I look up at Lisa and raise my brow. "Why'd he want me up so early?" I ask but Lisa just shrugs.

"I guess he wants you down at the station to get a head start on finding that guy, apparently it's that important." Lisa crosses her arms over her chest, most likely still annoyed at the early call she got this morning.

I grab my hair and ring out the left over water before walking into the bathroom to get ready. If finding Jung Hoseok was so important, why didn't he have me go yesterday? Taehyung and I could've gotten him yesterday and make our job easier.

After a quick shower and some time to put my clothes on, I walk out the door to the station. To some extent I didn't want to go on this mission. I couldn't find anything on Jung Hoseok so I wouldn't know his weaknesses or his whereabouts, making this extremely difficult for me.

I park my car and walk into the station where everybody stood in a circle, most likely waiting for me. "Ah Y/n, glad you can finally make it." Namjoon smiles towards me. I smile back and join them in the small circle.

"Why'd you call all of us here this early?" Taehyung asks as he rubs his eyes out tiredness. Namjoon chuckles and pulls out his phone.

"Jung Hoseok is on the move again to another city," Namjoon starts. "Our city." My eyes widen.

"How'd you find all of this out in a short period of time?" I ask.

Namjoon shuts his phone off and slips it back into his jeans. "That's for me to know, not you guys. Anyway, since he's on the move to Seoul that means we need to get a move on. I'm sorry if I interrupted your guys' beauty sleep but you all know how dangerous this person is." 

We all nod our heads and separate off into different sections of the office. Taehyung and I go to the back where they held all the weapons. I take my gun from its place on the rack and fill it with ammo before putting it into my holster.

Taehyung might not go in with me when it came to catching our suspect but he still carried around a concealed weapon. "Ready?" I ask Taehyung as I put my bulletproof vest of.

We both walk out of the back room and say goodbye to the boys in the office while Namjoon stood by the exit. As we were walking out, Namjoon grabbed onto my arm and leaned down to my ear. 

"Please be safe out there."



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