Chapter 18

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[Reader's POV]

My body had become cold as I laid on the ground, I was surprised I hadn't died of hypothermia. The man hadn't come back in a few hours. Meaning he either went home or had other innocent people to torture.

By now the rope had loosened a bit but I was too worn out to even try to get it off. I've lost all feeling in my body, especially my wrists and my ankles where the rope is.

Now, we wait till I just drop dead.

I had to constantly jerk my head up as it fell due to how tired I had become, my eyes closing every once in a while. "Stay away Y/n, he could come back." I would say to myself.

Finally after fighting for too long, I let my head go limp as I passed out.

[Hoseok's POV]

Namjoon and I sneak around the back of the building, my guns rattling together as we ran towards the door. "Okay here's the plan," I say turning to Namjoon. "I'm going to pick the lock and you're going to go in first, don't worry I'll be right behind you. I'll go left and you go straight where most men are, your gun is fully loaded. Do not be afraid to shoot, got it?" Namjoon nods his head.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I pick the lock. I jiggle the door knob a few times and low and behold, it opens.

"I'm going to get Y/n." I whisper. Namjoon nods his head before slowly inching inside. I stay behind him as well, gun in hand.

I tap his shoulder and point to where I was going. "Be careful." He whispers. Without answering him I take large strides down the hallway where they kept their 'prisoner's'.

As I enter the large room, I sigh at how many cells there seems to be. "Y/n!" I whisper loudly but no answer, the only solution being is to look at every cell in hopes its her.

I walk a little further into the room, looking left and right, hoping she is in one of these cells. "Psst," I snap my head towards whatever made that noise, it being an older man. "You lookin' for that girl?" He asked and I nodded. "She's at the very end where they keep the new people, I'd be careful though. There seems to be a guard that had taken a liking to her earlier." My blood began to boil at the thought of someone touching her.

I nod my head towards him in thanks before running to where her cell is. "Y/n!" I exclaim as I watch the seemingly lifeless girl hold onto her life. I shake the bars on her cell, looking for a lock as I do so.

After finding a lock and picking it, the cell doors open wide. I run up to Y/n and cup her cheek with my hand. "I'm so happy you're alive."

I look around the chair and find the rope, untieing her quickly. As I united her I notice the bruises on her wrists, ankles and all up her arms. I was disappointed i wasn't able to get to her in time, but happy I got to her before my father did.

"Hoseok!" I snap my head towards the cell entrance to see Namjoon running towards me, three large men behind him.

"I thought I said to shoot!" I drop whatever I was doing with Y/n to help the scared man.

"I got scared!" He yells making me sigh and bring my gun out, shooting the three men behind him. I turn to him and point to Y/n's cell.

"Go help Y/n, I have this under control!" I told Namjoon who nodded his head as he ran to her aid.

While Namjoon had helped Y/n and got her out of here, up to six men came from each end of the room. "Oh for fucks sake." I groan. I turn over to Namjoon to see him gone along with Y/n, making my eyes widen.

"Hoseok, my boy." I turn towards the main entrance and swallow my spit at the sight of my father. "Nice to see you, look how much you've grown."

I scowl. "Why are you doing this?" I ask as he inches closer to me. His men had distanced themseleves away from him the closer he became.

"Don't you remember the talk we had the day you left? That if you didn't follow in my footsteps I would hurt the ones you love? Look what happened to your sister...she's gone now." He began to mock me, my grip becoming tighter around my gun.

"You're one sick motherfucker." I spit. My father laughs coldly.

"Is that anyway to talk to your father like-"

"You are not my father! Never have been and never will! You took away my freedom, my best friend and you were too close at taking Y/n away from me." My voice was becoming hoarse as I inched closer. My father's expression had stayed the same, stoic and cold.

We stood there for what seemed like forever, just staring at each other. My father finally spoke. "I did this for a reason, now if you would just listen to me-"

"Hoseok!" Someone yells resulting in my attention to turn from my father's to the six boys who stood at the main entrance.

"Jin? What the hell are you guys doing here?" I yell. Namjoon walks forward, gun in hand.

"We're here to help you, because that's what friends are for."



Woww this chapter is kinda weird. Im sorry if the convo between hobi and his father is too...cliche but im not good at writing emotional stuff lmao

Stay tuned for next chapter!

Thanks for reading!

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