Chapter 17

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[Reader's POV]

[There are signs of abuse in this chapter, if you do not feel comfortable then please skip the part, it won't be the whole chapter but I'll put a *** when it is about to begin]

"Let me go." I demand as the mysterious man tightens the rope around my wrists. I wince as they became tighter, almost cutting the circulation off.

He walks around to face me, getting extremely close. "No can do sweetheart, bosses orders." He smirks making me scowl.

Sooner or later he finally leaves the cell they decided to throw me into. If they threw me into a cell, there aren't any chances of me getting out so why tie me up to a chair?

"Why am I always the one to get tied up?" I ask myself as I try to loosen the rope and sadly it isn't very affective. Wherever I was seemed to have been here for a while, it was quiet and dusty, giving off a serial killers basement vibe.

Sadly I don't remember anything of what happened who knows how long ago. All I remember was leaving my apartment and heading to Namjoon's before someone tackling me, knocking me out cold. My body hurts and I can feel the dried blood on my forehead from hitting the ground too hard, my shoes were gone along with my jacket, leaving me in a pair of jeans and tank top.

I look around the room, spotting a sharp piece of glass in the ground, most likely from their last victim. I move around in the chair in hopes the chair will tip over and I'd be able to get to the glass. "Come on..." I groan. The chair finally began to tip, by someone was already stopping me.


"I wouldn't try anything love, it'll only end up with you in even more pain." They threaten. I look up to see a man around my age wearing a mask and all black. The masked man pulls my chair back in a harsh manner, causing me to fall onto my side and hit my shoulder on the cold concrete ground.

I wince in pain as I could already feel the bruise forming. But he wasn't finished. He had walked over to me and began to kick my stomach, his foot going deeper in with every kick. At this rate I was pointless, my arms and legs were tied and I wasn't able to defend myself, only allowed to bare the pain.

I shut my eyes in agony as tears began to stream down my cheeks. The kicking had stopped and the man now resulted to yanking my hair, pulling some out with every harsh tug. "Leave me alone!" I pleaded but he didn't let me go and continued the torture.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the man stopped. He let go of my hair, making my head hit the ground. He spits in my face before leaving me in my cell to have a pity for myself.

I thrash around in the chair, screaming in pain as I do so. To some people I might look like a crazy person, but at this rate I could care less about them. All I want is to go home, with or without Lisa being there. I want to see Taehyung and everyone at the police station. I want my brother to run up to me and tell me how much he loves me, how he'll never leave me like my parents did.

I want Hoseok to hug me like he did this morning, I want him to kiss my forehead the way he did last night, I want him to get me out of this hell hole.

I began to silently cry, tears streaming down my bruised face. "Hoseok, please save me."

[Hoseok's POV]

I throw gun after gun into the trunk of Namjoon's car as he grabbed whatever he needed. I climb into to the drivers seat and buckle up as Namjoon hops into the passenger side.

"Do you know where we're going?" He asked. I keep quiet and start the car, speeding off. "Hoseok-"

"Yes I know where I'm going, it's my father for gods sake. He has warehouses after warehouses but I know for a fact that's not where Y/n is." I explain as I dodge car after car, obviously going past the speed limit.

Namjoon had grabbed onto his seatbelt out of panic. "Slow down we'll get to her in time." He tried to reassure me but it resulted in me to only go faster.

"Namjoon I don't think you understand my father, if we don't get there soon, he can kill Y/n and I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive myself if that happened." I admit. Namjoon looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"You like her a lot, huh?" He asks. I grip the steering wheel as I turn into another street.

"I do."



sorry for the abuse earlier in the chapter but it had to happen if i wanted this story to go the way I want it to. I think we're gonna make it to 25, maybe if we're lucky.

I wanted to update yesterday again but i had extra credit to work on and i really needed it so i worked on that instead, but luckily you got an update today and im quite proud of this chapter.

Heres a question for you guys, would you ever want an admit reveal? I've never shown my face so im genuinely curious.

Thanks for reading!

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