Chapter 4

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[Reader's POV]

"Only what a true assassin does in a situation like this," He whispers. "Kill." Hoseok backs away from my face with a smirk on his face. A scowl makes it way onto my face as my hand reaches out and latches onto the collar of his shirt.

"What did you do to Taehyung?" I say through gritted teeth. He stares at me with a smirk on his face, before I could say anything else the assassin throws his head back into laughter.

I let go of his collar, letting him drop to the ground while he finished his laughing fit. How can someone just say something so brutal and laugh about it straight after?

"You should've seen your face!" He wipes the tear that had escaped his eye as he stood up from the dirty carpet, dusting himself off. "Your partner is just fine, he's sitting in the car in his own world." Hoseok glances over at the window.

"You're a dumbass you know?" I say but he just shrugs his shoulders and smiles at me.

"How am I a dumbass when there are barely any leads on me? Believe me sweetheart, if I were a dumbass you wouldn't have been given the duty to find me," He says.

I mean, he has a point. If he were a dumbass we wouldn't be in this situation at the moment, he would've been caught already if it weren't for his excellent skills.

Hoseok walks over to the corner of the room and sits down with his head against the wall. "Why don't you sit and get to know me better before assumptions are made."

"They've already been made so I don't even see the point in having a conversation with you that's pointless." I cross my arms over my chest. Hoseok chuckles and runs his fingers through his parted hair.

"Do you see that door unlocking anytime soon? Didn't think so. So sit your ass down and listen to what I have to say." He says. I roll my eyes and sit down on the floor, my arms remaining crossed.

What if he kills me? He does have my gun at the moment and I'm sure many more weapons around us, he probably wont hesitate with the attitude I've given him. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I mumble. Hoseok cocks his head to the side in a curious manner. "I'm supposed to find you and bring you back to the station but I'm stuck in a room having a conversation with you, not to mention that you can kill me at any time."

The assassin purses his lips and shakes his head. "I don't think you get me sweetheart-"

"Don't call me that." I snap.

He rolls his eyes and smiles to hide his annoyance. "Okay darling," He says emphasizing darling. "You don't get me, I'm not going to bring out my weapon and shoot at you for the hell of it. Like all assassins or killers in general, I have a purpose." He explains.

"And that would be?" I ask.

"I kill for her the one person who was by my side when I was teased, the one person who was there with me when I lost my best friend," Hoseok looks down at his lap where he was playing with his fingers. "My sister."

I stare up at him with my eye brows knitted together. "Why your sister?"

"She was there for me when I was teased about wanting to be an idol, it was something I dreamed of and whenever I mention I got teased. 'You'll never made it' or 'You're too horse like' they would say," Hoseok had finally looked up at me as he spoke.

My heart broke at his words. No matter who you are, who you become, what you like or dislike, no one should ever be treated the way he was treated. "What happened to her?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"She was killed." He whispers but loud enough for me to hear. "She was just like me, I just don't know what she did it for. It was all fun and games before someone came after her and killed her right on the spot, I came home to a bloody mess." He brought his knees up to his chest where his head was rested between his knees.

I looked down at my lap as his previous words worked their way through my mind. Of course this was hard for someone to talk about but it still didn't make any sense why he does what he does. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, but this still isn't clicking." I look up at the assassin to see him already looking at me. 

"My sister was just like me, she was an assassin but was killed before I had gotten home. I still don't forgive the person who killed her and I never will, that's why I kill. Is to find the person who killed her and get revenge." He explains.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, sure it could be nice to finally find the person who killed your sister but think about the hundreds of people you're going to have to kill just to find them," I say. "You're already ruining lives Hoseok, just give up." 

The assassin stands from his spot and walks over to me with long strides. "Shouldn't you be the one to give up? Seems like you already have since I've captured you in here and already had a conversation with you," He smirks. "Too bad, I was starting to like you." He says before hitting me in the head with the gun that used to sit in my holster.

Then everything went black.



This chapter was...something lmao. I kind of liked this chapter to some extent, we got to hear about hobi's past and why he does what he does. guess we'll find out more in the next few chapter along wiTH MORE DRAMA WOOP WOOP

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