Chapter 10

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[Reader's POV]

Its been a few minutes and nothing has been said. Hoseok had left the room minutes ago to tend to something while I stayed tied up.

What if Hoseok's father was behind the death of my parents? What's going to happen then? Not only would I have to capture Hoseok but his father as well, it sounds like that's where Hoseok gets his skills from. It'll be impossible.

At the moment there isn't anything i can do about it. I'm still tied up to a- "Oh for fucks sake." I whisper to myself as I reach down to my feet and untie the rope that was around my ankles.

I smile to myself as the rope falls to the ground and I'm able to walk around. Although its dark, I'm still able to make out the door that Hosoek had gone through. "Be very quiet Y/n." I whisper to myself as I walk towards the door, but the next step I take results in me running into a table and making whatever was on it fall.

"Y/n- How'd you get free?" Hoseok asks as he walks in, seemingly fine with me being out of my chair.

I gulp. "Um," I don't know why I was hesitating on telling him, its like i was afraid of him.

Hoseok ushers me to finish. "Um what? That isn't a straight answer Y/n." He says as he walks towards me with a smirk. "Are you afraid to tell me? Afraid that I'll kill you like my father did your parents?" I shake my head. "Then why won't you tell me how you became free?" At this point he was close to my face, I could feel his breath on my lips making me shiver.

"You untied my hands and I was able to use them for my feet," I tell him. "You're not a very good kidnapper are you?" I ask with confidence. Don't ask where I got it, I don't even think I'm all too confident at the moment.

Hoseok smirks as he grabs onto my chin, leaning forward. "There's the answer I was looking for." He whispers. My face had turned pale due to the close proximity between our faces. If one of us were to lean forward anymore our lips would be attached.

Hoseok lets go of my chin with a jerk. "Just leave, I don't need you anymore." He says with a poker face, as he walks towards the other side of the room where a few bags lay.

I stand there dumbfounded. All of a sudden he went from a intimidating, flirtatious guy to one with no expression.

"I mean, I'm not expert in kidnapping but I don't think you're supposed to let your captures go." I point out.

"Oh so you want to stay?" He asks with a smirk. I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"The only reason I'm here is because of you. I'm supposed to be-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Capturing me and taking me back to Seoul so you can lock me up for good." He says with annoyance. "I've heard it one too many times darling, I don't think I need a refresher."

I lean back on the table. "I would leave but you owe me an explanation." Hoseok turns around to face me.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"How do you know Namjoon? I already gave you my sappy back story so now you owe me yours." I say making him sigh.

Hoseok gestures to the seat I was once tied up to for me to sit on. "I won't tie you up, I swear." He says making me sigh. I walk over and plop myself down onto the chair as he sits in the one across from me.

"I've known Namjoon ever since we were kids. He didn't know about me being an assassin and when I told him about it, he told the police about me and they soon came after me. Of course once we became older Namjoon joined the police force and was soon out for me. I didn't think he would be the one to betray me out of everyone."

"Everyone?" I ask.

"Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook is who I mean by everyone. We all used to go to the same school, except Jungkook of course, he was always a grade below us, but none the less we all went to the same school. I befriended Namjoon first and he introduced me to the other five and we all became close. But they all turned on me as soon as they found out about the truth," I could tell his eyes began to water, but he held it back. "I hate myself everyday for telling them. If I hadn't told them, we'd still be friends. We'd still be hanging out and having the best time of our lives as adults. But I always ruin it." Hoseok now kept his head down, his eyes locked on his lap as he cried silently.

I decided to stay quiet, knowing this is hard for him to talk about. Although he's an assassin, I still can't help but feel pity for him. It's obvious this isn't what he wanted to do for the rest of his life yet, he's required to.

I lean over and put my hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch. "Why don't we just go back to Namjoon, maybe you guys can work it out." I say as Hoseok just laughs dryly.

"Please, if I were to go back he'd just throw me in a prison cell or kill me." Hoseok stands from his chair and walks away, letting my hand fall back into my lap.

"Then I guess he's gonna have to come here." I say making Hoseok turn around in confusion.

"What the hell does that mean?" He asks as I run towards him and tackle him to the ground. Hoseok and I both fall to the ground, my legs around his waist in a straddling position. "Get off of me!" He yells as he thrashes around.

I move my hand down to his neck and push on his pressure point, making him pass out, Hoseok soon falls limp underneath me.

I stand from my position on the floor and pick up the phone that was set on the table, dieling Namjoon's number.

'Y/n are you-'

"I'm fine, I'll send you the address of his location. Get here quick though, you have a lot of explaining to do."



Woo another chapter done for today. Maybe i can upload another one later but for now this is it

Happy mothers day, i hope your guys' day is going well and that you're spending time with your mom and family

Thanks for reading!

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