Chapter 16

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[Reader's POV]

I watch as the two boys leave the apartment, deciding to look into the files more at Namjoon's place while I stayed home.

It gave me time to think over the small plan we had decided to make. Of course Hoseok's dad is nowhere where to be found, making it difficult.

Hoseok had said he's mostly likely in Gwangju where his business is. Worst case scenario is that he's in America, somewhere where he is unable to be found.

If only we-

I snap my attention towards the door where Lisa stood. "Hey." She says. I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her torso.

"I was scared you weren't ever going to come home," I whisper in her ear. Lisa chuckles returning the hug. "We need to talk."

Lisa clears her throat before breaking the hug. "I have a few things I need to tell you as well." She says with shakiness.

I take a seat on the couch as Lisa sat next to me as I began to explain. "I was going to tell you why Hoseok was here last night but I wasn't able to, he beat me to it. You won't have to worry about it anymore, he won't be coming over anytime soon so when you come home-" Before I could finish my explanation, Lisa had interrupted me.

"I'm moving out Y/n," My heart fell into my stomach. "I don't want to live in this apartment with you while you're doing this mission. I've been put into too many situations where I've almost lost my life thanks to your job, I'm sorry." Lisa puts her hand on my shoulder but I jerk it away. "Y/n-"

"Just pack your stuff and leave, don't forget your half of this months rent," I stand from my spot on the couch and grab my keys. "I expect you out by the time I get back." I say as I open the slightly broken door and leave before she could say anything else.

I wasn't mad at Lisa for leaving, I'm mad at myself for putting my best friend in danger. She wasn't wrong when she said she's almost lost her life due to my job, I didn't even consider how she felt. Lisa and I even talked about my job and how dangerous it could be when we moved in together, her saying she didn't want anything to do with it, yet she was always there when I needed help.

'Lisa, can you pretend to be a bystander so they can kidnap you?'


'Lisa, can you be a prostitute so they pick you up, I'll be there before they murder you?'

'I guess.'

She was always helping me with my job and if it wasn't for her, I don't think I'd be where I am today.

And I had just lost her.


[Hoseok's POV]

"Have you found it yet?" Namjoon asks as I go through the many files in his drawer, looking for one specific one.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. Namjoon groans but continues to look through files nonetheless. I throw the large pile of files next to me and grab onto a new pile to search through.

Half way through, I had found what we were both looking for. "I found it!" I exclaim making Namjoon throw whatever files he had in his hand back onto the ground.

"You found your fathers file?" He asks sitting next to me as I nod my head. I open the file up and scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion. Namjoon snatches the file out of my hand. "There's barely any information in here, I swear I had more." Namjoon looks through the file, hoping he'd be able to find more papers with information on them.

"I have a file at that warehouse, it's only a few hour drive. Maybe there's more in there." I say with just as much hope.

Namjoon tosses the file on his desk to save. "I'll give Y/n a call, maybe she can come down and we can all go together." He says pulling out his phone and dialing her number.

Although I was all for going and getting the file, there was an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Especially about Y/n going with us.

I shake off the feeling and turn back to Namjoon who was now waiting for Y/n to answer. As soon as she does, he puts in on speaker.

"Hey do you think you can come over? Hoseok and I found his dads file but we need more information and where we can find it is in that warehouse." Namjoon explains. Y/n is silent for a bit before responding. 'Sure I'm on my-' Before she could finish her sentence, a scream erupted from the other line. Then silence. "Y/n? Y/n answer me." Namjoon began to panic while my body began to shake.

No response.

I reach over and yank the phone from Namjoon's hands. "Y/n It's Hoseok, please respond." I beg. 'Ah Hoseok, it's great to hear from you again.' A familiar voice says from the other side making my scowl.

"Nice to hear from you too, dad."



Sorry for the lack of updates, i had gotten my phone taken away before i started to write and when i got it back i was too drained to write. But im here now!

This chapter was...something. it started off a little weird and wasn't something i planned but at this rate im going for it. Also! I have 2 more days of school left...JEUSUS

Also i have 2 weeks until my trip which means there's going to be update after update (hopefully)

Thanks for reading!

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