Chapter 12

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[Reader's POV]

I watched the two boys stare each other down for a few minutes before Namjoon decided to finally speak.

"I told the officer that I want them to protect you, that you're being hunted and how you could be the next one dead," He explains. "And I didn't want that."

Hoseok just huffs. "But Namjoon does it look like I'm being protected? I'm being hunted down for gods sake. I got shot at just last week!" Hoseok argues. I look down at my feet.

Maybe this wasn't good idea after all...

The two men begin to scream at each other, giving me a headache. "Guys," I say but neither listen. "GUYS!" I yell. The two men snap both of their heads towards me. "You guys are acting like children, we are adults. So act like it."

Hoseok sighs. "Fine, please proceed Namjoon." I nod my head at Hoseok in thanks as Namjoon began speak.

"Like I said, they twisted my words around when I was just trying to protect you. I tried to find you but whenever I got close you disappeared, like you fell off of the face of the Earth every time. I asked the police to stop, that I was kidding or that it was a dare, but they didn't believe me. I told the guys about it and we split up to look but nothing. Finally when I was able to get a job I decided to join the police force, making it my goal to find you and explain my side of the story." Namjoon turned his attention to his lap.

Hoseok stayed quiet. It seemed as though he had nothing to say, or didn't want to say anything. Finally, Namjoon sighs. "Look if you don't believe me-"

"I believe you." Hoseok spoke taking both Namjoon and I by surprise. "But I'm only believing you on one condition," Hoseok readjusts himself. "You team up with me to find out who killed my sister, then when we find him, you let me go." He reasons.

Namjoon nods his head. "Deal."

I clap my hands together, surprising the two boys. "Great now that we stopped two year olds can we leave? This place is stuffy and I'm starving."

"We can leave if you untie me." Hoseok says with a smile. I walk over and untie him from the chair. After untieing him he stands up and stretches his limbs, making a few bones crack.

"Y'know you're not very intimidating when you're not wanting to kill someone." I nudge Hoseok's side. Hoseok looks down at me and smiles in return.

"He's always been like that, he was always the sunshine of the group I guess you could say." Namjoon comments from in front of us as he leads us out of the building.

"Everyone has a soft side on the inside no matter who they are on the outside." I chuckle.

Although Hoseok was labeled as an assassin, he seems to be the complete opposite on some levels. Maybe if he was pissed off at someone then maybe his assassin side will show. But for now, I get to see I side that I never thought I'd be able to see.

The soft side of him.

"Oh I forgot my bag, I'll be quick." Hoseok says as he quickly runs back inside the building to grab his duffel bag.

Namjoon gets inside the drivers seat as I take my place in the passenger. While we waited for Hoseok to grab his bag, I decided to ask Namjoon if he meant what he said back there.

"Oh course I did. But remember Y/n, even if his soft side is showing, that doesn't mean he can't do anything. So continue to be cautious around him." Namjoon warns.

"You don't need to worry about me Namjoon, everything will be okay." I reassure him but he doesn't seem so sure.

Instead of answering me he just nods his head. Sooner or later Hoseok emerges from the building, duffel bag in hand.

"Sorry I had to reorganize it since somebody," He says referring to me. "Decided to go through it."

I wave my hand at him. "I said I was sorry so just get over it." I retort making him scuff.

Namjoon drops both Hoseok and I at our hotel while he left to get whatever food he fancied. I wasn't shocked when I found out I was staying in the same hotel as Hoseok, but knowing would've made my job a little bit easier...

But when I found out his room was right next to mine was when I lost all of my shit. My face turned red from annoyance, not from him, not from Namjoon, but from myself. Maybe if I had been more observant I could've avoided being-

"Y/n are you okay?" Hoseok asks as he unlocks his hotel room door. I crank my neck to look at him with a smile.

"I'm fine, just fine." I say through gritted teeth. Hoseok raises his brows but shrugs it off. He opens his door and gestures his hands to go inside. "What?" My annoyance was soon switched with confusion.

"Aren't you coming in? Namjoon is bringing us food and I don't want to be caught downstairs." He says like its the most obvious thing, but I hesitate making Hoseok sigh. "I'm not going to hurt you, just trust me."

And for some odd reason, I did.



y'all are spoiled with all these updates but dont get used to it lmao im just taking three days off and have been in a writing mood

Also did you notice? I changed the cover and i really like it

It isnt that different from the last one but its still a change and i like it

Thanks for reading!

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