Chapter 29

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[Reader's POV]

Hoseok hisses in pain as I take his shirt of in order to look at his wound. "Stop being a pansy, you've gone through worse."

He gives me a glare. "I have but its worse when you're doing it." He says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I respond making him laugh. I shake my head with a smile before dabbing rubbing alcohol on his shoulder.

"Agh fuck." He groans. I put a bit of pressure on his shoulder, taking it away once the dried blood was cleaned up.

"I'm not even going to try and get the bullet out so you won't have to worry about that," I could see Hoseok sigh in relief. "But we're still gonna have to wrap it." I say grabbing a gauche and setting it on the wound before wrapping his shoulder with ace bandages.

After wrapping his arm up and helping him put his shirt back on, he leans back on the wall. "Thank you, not just for treating my wound but for coming for me." He says.

"You know I'd do anything for you." I respond. Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows.

"Anything?" He smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Maybe sometime in the future but for right now, let's let your shoulder heal. Yeah?" My cheeks had turned a light pink making him chuckle.

Hoseok pats the spot next to him in the bathroom where we've been sitting ever since the boys dropped us off at my apartment. It was around three in the morning when they dropped us off.

I scoot next to Hoseok, his head falling onto my shoulder. "We never finished our date." He laughs, obviously tired considering he laughed at that.

"You got shot in the shoulder and was held hostage by your father and all you care about is our date? It can be made up Hoseok, it's no biggy." I brush my fingers through his hair.

"Aren't you upset we didn't finish? You seemed so excited for it and-"

I lean my head down and connect our lips to shut up him. He was a bit shocked to say the least but he kissed back nonetheless. He lifted up his good arm and placed his hand on my cheek, while my fingers continued to run through his far.

Even though it was in a bathroom, it was still a sweet kiss. Hoseok ran his thumb up and down my cheek, making my insides melt.

The sweet kiss came to an end when Hoseok backed away from it to get a breath of air. "Did that make up for the lost date?" I jokingly ask.

"To some extent yes," He says making me smile. "Let's go to bed, it's late." He whispers, his thumb still rubbing my cheek.

I stand up from my spot on the bathroom floor and help him up. As soon as he stands up, his arms wrap themselves around my body. "You're gonna have to let go if we want to go to bed."

"Just turn around and start walking, I'll keep up." He says. I turn around and begin to walk back to my room, his arms still wrapped around me.

As soon as we get to my room Hoseok lets go and leaves to lay down in bed, wincing as his shoulder touches the bed. "Sleep on your right side, it'll be better for your shoulder." I instruct.

Without changing out of my clothes I lay down on my left side where I'm able to face Hoseok. "You're really pretty." He whispers making me snort.

"So are you sunshine boy." I retort. Instead of slapping my arm like he usually does, he just smiles and nods his head.

"I'm you're sunshine boy." He whispers back making my cheeks turn pink.

"OKAY GOODNIGHT HOSEOK." I flip around in my bed to face away from 'sunshine boy'

"Goodnight to you too Y/n." He leans over and plants a kiss on my neck.

My face turns even more red then before, resulting in me falling asleep a flustered mess.


"Psst," A finger pokes my nose. "Y/n wake up I'm hungry but injured." I roll over and open my eyes to face Hoseok who had a sheepish smile on his face.

"You have another arm Hoseok, go back to bed." I groan, shutting my eyes.

"Please? You're gonna have to practice making breakfast anyway when we're married so why not get an early start?" He asks.

I crack one eye open. "Who said we're getting married?" I ask.

"I did so can you please make me breakfast? Pretty please?" He pouts. I sigh and open both of eyes, climbing out of bed.

"You're lucky I love you." I say as I walk out the door. I could hear Hoseok yell after what I had said making me smirk.

"You love me?" He yells running down the hallway and into the kitchen. I grab a few eggs from the fridge, shruggjng my shoulders.

"Something like that I guess." I respond as I grab a pan from the cupboard and place it on the stove.

As I was cracking the eggs in the pan I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"I love you too."




The reason im stopping at 30 chapters is because 1. Its a good number to stop a book at and 2. I've run out of ideas for this book.

Of course i could keep going and they could have a family but i want to start on new books and I feel really happy with this book and how it turned out.

Thanks for reading!

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