Chapter 5

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[Reader's POV]

"Y/n, Y/n wake up." My eyes crack open, before I could get a good look at the person calling my name, they squint shut due to the bright light.

"Taehyung?" I groan as I'm finally able to open my eyes fully. The said boy grabs onto my arm and lifts me up off the floor so my back is up against the wall. "What happened?"

"I was hoping you'd answer that," He chuckles. I grab onto my head as it throbbed. What the hell did happen? All i remember was talking to Hoseok until-

Oh that hoe of an assassin invoked me out. "Jung Hoseok is what happened." I say. Taehyung knits his eyebrows together.

"What? Did you find him?" He asks dumbly. I smack the side of his head.

"Of course I did dumby, he just got away." I murmur the last part. Taehyung rubs the side of his head before helping me off of the ground.

"Sorry that was a dumb question," He says as I dust off my pants. "Anyway, Namjoon is waiting for us back at the station."

I nod my head and walk out of the old building where the car was. I can't believe I let him get away like that, he was so close I could've just-

Ugh. What's Namjoon gonna say about this? Probably something I don't want to hear like, 'you could've put him in a choke hold' or 'maybe if you had your gun in your hand we wouldn't be having this conversation'

I silently roll my eyes as we get into the car and speed off back to the station. It had started raining while I was inside the building with Hoseok. "Good maybe he'll trip and fall."  I mumble to myself.

Taehyung looked at from the corner of his eye shaking his head. "If you keep holding a grudge against him this case will only get more difficult." He points out making sigh.

"Yeah yeah." I lean my head up against the window, watching the rain fall onto it.

I wonder if Jung Hoseok is going to stay in Seoul. Probably not since he knows I'm after him but then again, that could give him more of a reason to stay since I know so much.

Why did Namjoon want me to find him so bad? I mean I'm all for keeping Seoul safe but he doesn't seem to he doing as much harm as his profile had said and Namjoon made him seem just as bad.

What was it with this guy?

I shut my thoughts off as we park the car in front of the station. My feet splash in the newly made puddle that was by my door, making it the highlight of my afternoon.

What? Can't a grown woman act like a four year old when it comes to rain and puddles?

"Y/n, Taehyung. Welcome back," Jungkook greets us at the door as we walk to the back where Namjoon was, but he stops us. "He only wants to see Y/n, so you can hang with me." Jungkook smiles at Taehyung who luckily returns it.

I internally groan at the thought of Namjoon only needing me and not Taehyung. Usually he needs both of us, even if Taehyung doesn't go in with me. He was still there as a witness.

"Namjoon?" I knock on his office door and open it once I hear a faint 'come in'.

"Welcome back, have a seat." He gestured his hand towards the seat to which I followed and sat down. "So, have anything to tell me?" He asks.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. Namjoon sighs and clasp his hands together in a business-like manner.

"What happened out there Y/n?" He asks making me look down at my lap in disappointment.

I was ashamed of myself that I wasn't able to complete what I was assigned.

"I let him get away," I quietly say but still loud enough for him to hear. "He locked me in a room with him and made me vulnerable, he then hit me across the head with my gun and ran while I laid passed out on the floor."

Namjoon takes off his spectacles and rubs his eyes. "How'd he get your gun?" He asks.

"It was in my holster when I walked into the room and he somehow managed to grab it." I explain. "I'm sorry." I apologise.

Namjoon reaches over the table and lifts my chin up. "Don't be sorry, it was a mistake. I'm just glad you're okay." He smiles at me, his dimple nice and prominent. "Right now just go home and get some rest, I'll message you if I find any leads on his whereabouts." I nod my head and stand from my seat before leaving.

I slowly walk towards my office to gather my things before leaving. My facial expression hadn't changed, it was a mix of disappintment and sadness.

Of course everyone feels like that when they don't accomplish something, I just never thought I'd feel this way with my job.

After waving goodbye to everyone at the office I head home where I hope Lisa is. She always seems to brighten my mood.

As I walk to the drivers side of the car, I step on something. When I look down a small gasp escapes my lips.

It was my gun and a note came with it.



Damn i gotta stop doing that at the end of chapters hm anyway besides that can we talk about my double update? Its currently 9:50pm here and i just really wanted to write

I'm actually really looking forward to the future chapters and so should you💭 thank you for reading!

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