Chapter 3

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[Reader's POV]

"Please be safe out there." Namjoon says letting go of my arm as I walk out with a nod. Taehyung throws the duffel bag into the back of the provided cars the station gives us as I climb into the passenger side.

After checking everything over and making sure we had everything, Taehyung hops into the drivers side and we begin our ride to the destination Namjoon had sent us. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and begin to scroll through Namjoon's message.

Officer Joon:
Jung Hoseok should be somewhere downtown where a lot of the abandoned buildings are. Once you arrive, park the car and go through every building. Double check everything and make sure to carry your gun with you, good luck Y/n.

I sigh. All my nerves were bouncing off the walls, nervousness, excitement and the thrill. Although I like these types of things I still get nervous, you never know when it could be your last mission.

The car comes to a halt as we had made it to downtown Seoul. "Holy mother of cheese and biscuits." I murmur to myself as I look out my window to view the outside. It was currently seven in the morning and you'd thing there would be a little bit of sun.

"You going to be okay out there?" Taehyung asks. I look over at him and gulp.

"Ye-Yeah, I'll be fine." I stutter. Taehyung senses my nervousness and moves his hand to unbuckle his seatbelt but I stop him. "I'll be fine Taehyung, just sit in here and watch for me. Keep your walkie-talkie on if anything happens." He nods his head and removes his hand.

I unbuckle my belt and grab a few more boxes of ammo from the back. "Good luck." Taehyung says as I open the door and get out. A tumbleweed blows past me as the buildings moan from the wind. "You've got to be kidding me." I mumble.

Unlike where we are now, downtown Seoul is full of people. We're on the farther end of downtown Seoul which results in the lack of people considering its the older part. Abandoned building after abandoned building, making this place not only creepy but extremely quiet.

I grab my gun from its holster and begin my walk through the row of abandoned buildings. 'If I were an assassin where would I hide?' I thought to myself as I walk into one of the many buildings. 

I look left and right as I wonder throughout what used to be a clothing store, in hopes the assassin will be some fashionista that is in need of new clothes. As I turn the corner I bump into a human like object resulting in me to turn around in a quick move and shoot at it. 

'Y/n? Y/n are you okay?' I hear Taehyung through the walkie-talkie. I look down at the fallen object that I had shot at only to sigh. "I'm fine Taehyung, I just shot at a mannequin..." I trail off. I hear Taehyung snicker through the walkie-talkie so I shut it off.

After searching through the building one more time I walk to the next building. Not seeing any point in carrying my gun around, I put it back into its holster and continue my walk around the building. "This place is just as gross as Lisa's room," I say to myself as I swipe my finger across the dusty counter. "And that's saying something."

As I was walking through I notice a few footprints that had been left in the dust that was on the ground. I step on the footprint and notice how big it was compared to my feet. I begin to follow the track through the building, going left and right then up a few flights of stairs.

I look down after walking up the flight of stairs only to see that the tracks stopped there. "Now how the hell do they just stop?" I step up the last little bit of the stair case and begin my walk towards the door that was on the other side of the room.

When I look down I notice how I made footprints in the floor due to how dusty and dirty it is. I twist the knob that was attached to the mysterious door and walk in. The room was simple, it seemed to have a large window that displayed a little bit of light. 

I walk in a little bit more as I look around the room in curiosity. Slam. My head turns towards the once open door and stare in shock. I walk towards the door and begin to wiggle the handle, only for it to be locked.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it little miss Y/n." A deep voice said from behind me. I turn around to face the man I had been looking for. 

"Jung Hoseok." I spit out. I reach my hand over to my gun only to feel nothing in the holster. My gun was gone.

Jung Hoseok strides towards me snickering. "Looking for this?" He asks as he holds up my gun. "And don't try to call your sweet little friend down at the car," He says gesturing his head towards the window. "He wont be much help for you now."

"What did you do to Taehyung?" I ask. Jung Hoseok walks towards me and leans down close to my face before speaking.

"Only what a true assassin does in a situation like this," He whispers. "Kill."



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