Chapter 25

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[Reader's POV]

My body then flung up in the sheets as I screamed, tears running down my cheeks. Namjoon and Jin bust through the door in concern.

"Y/n what happened?" Namjoon asks frantically. My body shook violently, my hands sweating and my breathing became irregular.

"Y/n you need to breath, take deep breaths." Jin instructs. I take deep breaths.





Once I was able to breath and only mild tremors remained, I looked up at Namjoon. "I had a dream you guys-"

"You don't need to talk about it, Y/n. You want one of us to stay in here with you tonight?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I want Hoseok." I whisper. Namjoon rubs my back.

"I know you do, we'll get him back soon, I promise." Namjoon says. I nod my head and wipe the remaining tears from my eyes.

Jin and Namjoon each give me one last hug before leaving for their room. I lay back down on the bed, my arms spread out.

"I'm a mess." I groan. I grab onto my phone off of the bedside table that surprisingly hadn't gotten lost or broken these past few days.


I toss my phone back onto the bedside table, turning a few times before finally getting some much needed sleep.


"Y/n, time to wake up." I hear someone whisper in my ear as they nudge me. I crack my eyes open and groan. Namjoon smiles down at me. "Morning sleeping beauty." He jokes with a chuckle.

"What time is it?" I ask, scratching my head and climbing out of bed.

"Almost noon," Namjoon says. "Jin left to get us some food while the others are on their way."

I nod my head as I slowly walk out of the room and into the bathroom. When I get into the bathroom I take a good look at myself in the mirror, my eyes bloodshot with bags underneath them, my skin had paled and my face was puffy.

Sigh. "Why does this always happen to me?" I ask myself as I splash cold water on my face. After using the bathroom, I hear the front door open and close along with a few people talking and laughing.

"Y/n!" Taehyung yells as I walk out of the bathroom, trying to muster up a smile. Taehyung runs over, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Hi Taehyung." I chuckle, hugging the boy back. I look up from his shoulder and wave at the others who joined him.

Jungkook smiled innocently towards me while Yoongi held a sympathetic look on his face, Jimin being the same. I knew they were trying to make me feel better for the time being but they really didn't have to do anything, I know we're going to get Hoseok back, no matter how long it took.

I let go of the hug with Taehyung and walk into the kitchen where Jin had set out all the food he bought. "Thank you for the food," I say towards Jin. "Also, thank you for letting me spend the night." I finish.

Namjoon walks over and wraps his arms around me, soon everyone else decided to join in, resulting in a large group hug.

"Can we eat now? I don't know how we aways get ourseleves into these types of situations." Yoongi groans.

I chuckle as everyone let go of the hug and found their designated spots at the kitchen table. "When have we ever group hugged? And admit it, you like it." Jin retorts make to which Yoongi only grumbles incoherent words back.

Everybody had eaten in silence, the only sound being from the silverware occasionally hitting the plate or the sound of someone setting down their glass after taking a sip.

Namjoon glances up at me. "Y/n, can we talk after breakfast?" He asks.

I look up from my plate of food. "Sure." I respond. Namjoon smiles his signature smile, getting back to his food.

Breakfast seemed to go by quietly and quickly. I hated quiet, doesn't matter if its peaceful or awkward, it isn't always a good sign. Sometimes being silent means theres something wrong or someone wants to say something but doesn't have the guts to do so. At least, in our situation that's the case.

Jimin and Taehyung had gathered up all the dishes and began to wash them in the sink while Namjoon took me up to the guest room in order to talk.

I had an idea of what he wanted to talk about, but you can never be sure with Namjoon, he seems to always have something he wants to talk about whether it relevant to oir situation or not.

I sit down on the bed as he shuts the door quietly, taking a seat next to me afterwards. "I want to talk to you about he dream you had last night," He starts.

I look down at my hands. "All of it?" I ask, hoping he'd so no hut to my misfortune, he nodded his head. "I woke up to Jin telling me breakfast was ready and when I went downstairs, everyone was there, even Hoseok. I was shocked to say the least but he seemed to not know why. Hoseok came up and hugged me, but later on was shot by his father. When I looked at everyone for help you guys were already dead, heads on your guys' plates," I hadn't noticed I started crying again. "Hoseok's father then appeared and pulled the trigger on me, saying 'I'll know how it feels.' Which I didn't understand. I asked why, but he pulled the trigger and thats when I woke up."

Namjoon nodded his head, letting me know that he was listening. There was a moment of silence before Namjoon decided to speak. "I know you've been through a lot but I have some good news and some bad news." He says.

"Good news is, is that we found Hoseok, and we're setting out to find him in a few hours," He says making my eyes widen. "But the bad news is, is that there can only be one person that goes. His father came into contact with me and told me where he was, but that only one person is allowed to go in." He explains.

"But why'd you say we?" I ask.

"I have a plan, but I need you in order for it work," He says. "Y/n, I need you to be that one person."



What a long ass chapter. Anyway i know a few chapters ago namjoon said something like, "you cant go, hoseok will kill me for putting you in danger" something like that. Welllll shes going but barE WITH ME I KNOW WHAT IM DOING

Thanks for reading!

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