I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing a greed." Northern Downpour, Panic! At The Disco

Brendon just played a show in the southernmost part of California and had just made it home."Hey, babe, I'm home,"Brendon called through the seemingly empty home. It was almost instantly when he spotted Penny and Bogart outside. They came running for him. "Hi, puppies,"he said and reached down to pet them quick. He didn't know where Sarah was so he began walking toward the glass screen door that led to the backyard which contained a pool and small studio. He slid the door open and saw Sarah sitting in a chair, looking out over the backyard.

"Hey, what's wrong?"Brendon asked, worry filling his voice. "Bren, have you ever thought about kids? Everything just feels so empty here by myself,"Sarah asked quietly. "Yeah I have but with the tour starting soon, a baby is a lot to travel with,"he said and sat on the ground next to her, dumbfounded,  and wondering where this conversation was coming from. "That's not quite what I mean. What if we adopt or foster a child? They probably have kids that are old enough to travel." Sarah said to him. "Oh. I think that's a great idea actually,"he said.

They went inside to research. They sent in their forms and received a call the following day that let them know they were allowed to adopt and where their next adoption meeting was taking place. In two days, they were going to see children and decide if and who they were going to adopt. The night before going to the adoption center he decided to call Joe of Fall Out Boy because he couldn't sleep.

Sarah was already lying in bed asleep as Brendon carefully made his way out of the bedroom and out to the studio. He picked up his acoustic guitar on his way to sit on the piano bench to call Patrick first. The phone rang 3 times before he answered. It was just after midnight now, on the day that they were going to the adoption center.

"Hello,"Patrick answered half asleep. "Hey,"Brendon started before realizing that he didn't really know what to say or why he woke him in the middle of the night. "Brendon, what the actual fuck are you thinking? Is everything okay?"Patrick asked quietly as concern started to fill him. "Yeah, we---uh----Sarah and I----we decided to adopt,"Brendon said unsure of himself. "You what?"Patrick whisper yelled as he made his way out of his bedroom.

Brendon heard the closing of a door and waited until he was sure Patrick was clear before he began to talk again. "We're going to adopt a kid."Brendon stated again. Everything seemed to come in a rush after that. "I couldn't sleep, we go to the adoption center this morning and I'm so nervous. What if I'm not good enough? We go on tour in like a month, what if it's too soon?"Brendon said quickly.

"Listen, Brendon, you're going to be fine, you and Sarah will be excellent parents. You are good enough and I know it's not too soon. It's gonna work out but if you're going today you really need to get some sleep."Patrick replied and tried to stifle his yawn. "You're right,"Brendon said and yawned himself. "Goodnight, don't stress,"Patrick said. "Goodnight, I won't but, Patrick, don't say anything to anyone please?"Brendon asked. "I won't, now get some rest, Brendon,"Patrick said and hung up.

Brendon still couldn't sleep so he sat in the studio with his acoustic guitar on his lap and began to sing. He was just fiddling around for awhile before he began to sing an acoustic version of I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

I couldn't believe when I won the free tickets to Panic! At The Disco's concert. I was so excited to share the experience with my friend, Dylan. We'd been friends for a really long time. We had to live in the same foster home for awhile until the government people deemed it an unsafe situation so we were thrown into an orphanage for girls. We had to be homeschooled because of our age and had countless chores and also had to help with the younger children. I didn't mind much because I liked little kids.

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