Cemetery Drive

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"Lay down, Mark the grave, Where the searchlights find us drinking by the mausoleum door, And they found you on the bathroom floor." Cemetery Drive, My Chemical Romance

During soundcheck, everything was off. Brendon and Ryleigh knew it. Everyone could feel it but they felt off as well. Sarah promised Brendon to call or text every night but they were barely making it through. Brendon was really quiet, as Ryleigh thought back on soundcheck, and later, in the dressing room, she found the bottles of pills. She noticed that he was taking his old ADHD and anxiety meds again.

Dallon, Dan, and Kenny all noticed that they were off. It threw off the show. The fans noticed something wasn't quite right when Panic! At The Disco went through the set. They tried to keep the energy up but Brendon was still quieter than usual. They barely made it from call to call in between shows and being on the bus. Ryleigh caught him crying every night but she didn't say anything. Ryleigh was down but Brendon could barely notice.

He was doing his damned best to keep himself together in front of his daughter. All she did was lay in her bunk and sleep. Brendon decided to let out his fears to the band members.

"I just don't know what to do. She looks tired. Too tired,"Brendon said quietly and put his head in his hands. "We'll figure it out. She'll get through it,"Dallon tried to reassure them when he knew she wasn't fine either. "She's worried and it's setting off some bad stuff. We just have to watch her,"Pete insisted. He was as worried as the rest. "You need to get some rest, Brendon,"Pete said and put a hand on his shoulder. Brendon nodded.

Pete made his way onto the bus and found Ryleigh in her dad's bunk. It was on the bottom. Everyone else was dispersed on their buses, the venue, and other buses. "Hey, Ry, wanna come to soundcheck? I want to show you something,"Pete said.

He could tell she was about to say no so he offered her the smile usually reserved for Saint and Bronx. They could never say no and it worked for Ryleigh, too. She took his hand and the two made it to the venue. They were early. They still had four hours until showtime.

Pete took her over to the edge of the stage as a crew member brought both of their basses out. Pete started to hum a tune. She recognized Mr. Brightside by The Killers. She began to play along as they sang. Ryleigh saw as Brendon made his way out the door with his head in his hands. Pete noticed and saw Ryleigh's face fall.

"What's wrong?"he asked worried as she began to cry. He moved the basses aside and pulled her into a tight hug. "I can't do anything right. I made him cry,"Ryleigh sobbed. "That's not true. You're perfect, Leigh. We all love you,"Pete said and let her cry it out. When she was finished they made their way to the buses where she ran to Brendon. "I'm so sorry, dad,"she whispered as she hugged the black haired man tightly. Pete left to give them some privacy.

"Ryleigh, you have nothing to apologize for. I love you so much,"he said and hugged her tightly. "I love you, too,"she said and made her way to her bunk where she stayed until she had to get changed for the show.

After the show, she went right to her bunk. She was about to sleep again when her phone buzzed.

Gerard: "Hey, Ryleigh Rowan, How's the tour?"

Ryleigh Rowan: "Hey..."

Gerard: "Is hey all I get? What's wrong?"

Ryleigh Rowan: "I dunno. It's going good I guess. Cute name by the way. I'm just tired."

Gerard: "Thanks. This is more than just tired, though. Tell me what's wrong."

Ryleigh Rowan: "I just miss mom. I'm worried about her and I feel that I can't do anything right. Dad is taking his meds again."

Gerard: "Ryleigh, she's okay. It's going to be fine. You're great. It's all going to work out, Okay? Don't beat yourself up over it. It isn't your fault. Be happy for me okay."

Ryleigh Rowan: "Okay, I guess I'll try."

Gerard: "guess that's all I'm going to get. Sleep well. I'll see you soon."

Ryleigh shut off her phone and tried holding back the tears. Just when she was almost asleep and the tears gone, her mom texted her.

Momma Urie: "Ryleigh, I'm sorry to do this over text. Things are getting a little worse so I'm going to the hospital. I'm okay, it will be fine. Take care of dad for me. He needs you right now. I love you."

Ryleigh couldn't even respond as she hugged her pillow. Brendon wasn't in yet. He was helping everyone pack up. She heard Dallon and Kenny in the lounge, laughing and talking. She was struck by the idea of how easy it would be to sneak out. She was sure there would be an after party going on since there always was.

She knew what she needed most, alcohol. Her mom was sick and going into the hospital. Her dad was addicted to God knows what. It could be an escape. She threw on her Panic! At The Disco sweatshirt that she is pretty sure was Brendon's at some point in time over her black tanktop and a pair of jeans. She slid on combat boots and walked out. She was almost to the door when Kenny called out to her. Dallon was on the phone with Breezy.

"Where are you going?"Kenny asked. "To find dad,"she lied and hoped it wasn't evident though if Brendon found her would that be so bad? "He'll be in soon. We leave in about two hours,"Kenny said with his brow furrowed. "Its really important that I find him, now,"she said. "Okay, be careful. You have your phone, right?"he said. She nodded and walked out. She ran quickly past both Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy's buses in case they were in.

She entered through a side door and heard music playing over people talking. A small lounge room was filled with people at the party. Someone pressed a bottle of beer in her hand and before she made an actual decision, she swallowed the whole thing and moved onto her second, third and fourth before finding a bottle of whiskey. The first time, it burned on the way down but then it wasn't so bad as she drank straight from the bottle. Things were beginning to get a little fuzzy as she leaned against the wall to keep from falling.

Meanwhile, Brendon just got off the phone with Sarah. He knew he needed to find his daughter. He frantically texted Kenny and Dallon. He put his head in his hands, wanting to cry. Everything he loved was falling to shit but he was doing nothing. He felt like he was failing Ryleigh as a father and Sarah as a husband. He shook his head. He heard footsteps and looked up as Pete entered. He hugged the older man as the tears fell. He explained what was happening to Pete.

When he was done, they made their way to the buses. They weren't sure what Ryleigh was going to be like and hoped Dallon or Kenny were there for her. Pete said goodnight and climbed on his bus with the rest of his band as Tyler and Josh got on their own bus. Brendon climbed on. Dan and Zack were on their way back and they would be leaving soon.

Kenny and Dallon looked up as the door opened. Kenny took a moment to look confused then worry settled in when Brendon entered alone. "Where's Ryleigh?"Brendon asked.

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