Beautiful Pain

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"Don't want to wait, want to wait, want to wait because you're never coming back, no. Don't want to wait, want to wait, want to wait for the last dance. It's a beautiful pain, it's a beautiful pain. When I remember the good times, when I remember the gone. It's a beautiful pain, it's a beautiful pain. When I let go of a heartache, when I let go of your heart. All the times that I keep holding onto, even though you're gone. And the nights that I keep holding back the tears, I hope you found what you're looking for. Don't say goodbye tonight, don't say goodbye tonight, don't say goodbye tonight and leave forever. Don't say goodbye tonight, don't say goodbye tonight, don't say goodbye tonight and leave forever." Beautiful Pain, Andy Black

I woke to a text from Gerard. He was letting me know they were on the way. That was hours ago, they were probably almost here. I knew I was right when my phone buzzed.

Gerard: Dammit, Frank. Answer your damn phone, we're in NYC.

I then noticed the dozens of missed calls. I called Gerard. It rang twice before he answered.

Gerard: "What the hell, Frank? Where are you?"

Frank: "I was asleep, I haven't left the hospital."

Gerard: "Let me rephrase, what hospital are you at?"

Frank: "New York Presbyterian."

Gerard: "We'll be there in five minutes. How is she?"

Frank: "Still unconscious but she's alive."

Gerard: "Okay."

The call ended. I decided to take a quick trip downstairs for a cup of coffee and to meet the others. I was walking back to the lobby when they came running in. Gerard engulfed me in a hug first then the others took turns. "Where is she?"Brendon asked. His eyes were red and bloodshot. He probably was crying and hasn't been sleeping. "The third floor, room 322 B,"I said. He nodded. "I'm on my way back up,"I said and pointed in the direction of the elevator. We went up, it was silent.

"Just a heads up, she looks a little rough,"I said. They gave me a confused look. "She has a few broken ribs, a concussion, her eye is swelled shut, there's bruises visible on her face and more not visible, too. She's pale, dark circles under her eyes, and bandages down her arms,"I said. They nodded. We climbed off and entered her room.

Is this death? It's pitch black, I can't feel or see anymore. There wasn't sound, it was silent. I felt guilty. I never called Frank, I wonder if he'll know or if Brendon will find out. I miss them. I wish they could understand. It's been less than a week since I saw them. I wonder how Emily is doing.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. "Oh God, Ryleigh,"a male voice said. Wait, I know that voice. Brendon? What is he doing here? I heard sobbing and felt a tear on my hand. Where the hell am I? I felt pain stab through my chest as my heart shattered into a million pieces. Wherever I am, I did this to them. I hurt them.

I held back and managed to get Frank's attention. He held back. I wanted to give Pete, Brendon and Sarah a few minutes. I was also afraid to see her like that if it's as bad as Frank said. Mikey nodded at me and walked down the corridor a good ways away, out of earshot."I know I'm asking a lot can you explain everything to me? More importantly, how are you holding up?"I asked and leaned against the wall.

"I think I'm okay. The shock has kind of worn off. I'm more worried than anything. She should've woken by now, it's been almost a day since I found her and almost a week since she had been taken. How did the trial go?"he replied. "We won. She's coming home,"I said. We were silent a moment, not sure what else could be said. The words that could be were left unsaid in the silence between us.

"They are certain that her mother and the guy with her beat her up,"he whispered. I didn't know what to say. He looked at the floor and bit on his lip piercing. "It isn't your fault,"I finally managed to reply. "But it is. If I had her back earlier or gone up with her until I was sure she was okay or even went in sooner I could've stopped this,"he said and I heard his voice break. The tears were falling. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"She's alive. That's what matters, you saved her life. Don't blame yourself, you couldn't have known,"I whispered. He nodded and a short time later, stopped crying. We entered her room.

It's been over a week. We've been taking turns staying awake with her. There's two chairs and a small couch. Two of us normally sit and sleep on the floor, leaning against the wall. She still hasn't woken. We're all worried that it was too late. I can't help but feel that I could've prevented it. We talk to her occasionally just in case she can hear us.

I convinced the others to get some food and that I would stay. Everyone has wanted to fly up but we've told them to wait.

I'm pretty sure that I didn't die. Somehow I'm still alive but I'm not sure how. I can hear them around me but it isn't clear, almost like my head is underwater. It's fuzzy. I want to prove I'm alive. I don't know how to do that yet. I heard the door close. Did they leave? Open your eyes, dammit. It felt like they were glued shut. I fought it. "Ryleigh?"someone asked. That someone is Frank, I recognize his voice.

"Come on back, whenever you're ready. Squeeze my hand again, give me a sign,"he said. I squeezed his hand? This is so frustrating, I don't have control of my body. I'm so tired but I need to do this. I managed to get them open and they fluttered closed. It's bright. I found control of my hand and gave his a squeeze. He gasped.

"Oh thank god,"he said and I felt his stubble brush my face as he kissed my forehead. "Be right back,"he said. The door opened. "She's waking up,"he yelled. A nurse came running down the hall and called for a doctor. He walked back and sat down.

"Can we dim the lights? I think it's too bright,"he said to someone else in the room. "Sure,"a female voice said. I tried to open my eyes again. They fluttered a bit. One. More. Try. I got them open. It wasn't as bright. I took a deep breath. "Ryleigh,"Frank said and stood. I was looking at his face as he towered over me. A doctor came in and raised the bed up a bit.

"Can we have a minute?"the doctor asked Frank. He nodded. "I'll go tell the others,"he said and then he was gone. "Hi, I'm your doctor, Dr. Angeline Parker. Do you remember what happened, Ryleigh?"she asked. I nodded as I thought back. "Can you explain it to me?"she asked."I---I--I think so,"I said, shakily. I was nervous. She stayed quiet as she waited.

"I came home and Carrie, my biological mother, was drunk. She started beating on me with the guy she was with. I cried that I wanted to go home and she beat me more until I collapsed. I wanted to go away from her, I couldn't take it anymore. She took me from my family. I went in the bathroom and cut,"I said quietly. She nodded. "Okay, do you have any questions for me?"she asked. "Wh---who found me?"I asked and heard my voice break. I pushed back the tears. "Frank Iero,"she said and patted my hand. She stood. "One more, how long have I been out?"I asked. "Almost a week,"she said and left the room.

A/N: Hey, y'all! Hope you all have liked this book so far. Please feel free to comment. Much love!


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