I'm Not Okay (I)

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"Well if you wanted honesty, That's all you had to say, I never want to let you down. Or have you go, it's better off this way, For all the dirty looks, The photographs your boyfriend took, Remember when you broke your foot, From jumping out the second floor?I'm not okay." I'm Not Okay (I Promise), My Chemical Romance

Brendon and Ryleigh sat tightly together as they cried. Brendon wished that he could protect her but even this seemed out of his hands. Sarah was in shock. Her birth mother couldn't do this, could she? She stood and read over the letter that Brendon had dropped. The hearing was in two weeks. "You can guarantee that we aren't letting you go easily. We aren't gonna go down without a fight, okay, Ryleigh?"Brendon whispered. Sarah was fighting her own tears now. She stepped outside for a moment and took her phone out of her pocket. It was after seven now. She didn't even really notice who she was calling.

"Sarah, what's wrong?"a frantic sounding Pete answered. She sniffled. "It's Ryleigh. Her biological mom is taking us to court in two weeks to try to regain custody,"Sarah was able to get out as the tears began falling. "Oh, shit. I'll be there in ten,"Pete said and hung up. She opened her messages.

Sarah: "Hey, Ryleigh's mom is taking us to court for custody. Not too sure how it'll go down, we're gonna try to fight it but it doesn't look good...."

Tyler, Josh, and Gerard were one of the first to reply.

Tyler: "Oh, god."

Josh: "No, please, no. She can't do this, not now. Be there in fifteen."

Gerard: "On my way. Be there as soon as I can."

She didn't know who all she had sent the message to but knew they would pass it around. She laid down on the porch then and let the tears fall. She knew they could try but they had no chance fighting against her biological mom. Judges almost always ruled that way regardless of what was best for the child. She couldn't help the sob that escaped from her lips. She heard a couple of cars pull in and knew someone was here. Pete walked outside almost immediately and pulled Sarah into his arms.

"Oh, God, Pete. What if we lose her?"she sobbed as he held her tightly back. She had just heard the news that the chance she would ever have her own children was slim to nothing. Losing Ryleigh would destroy her, she sometimes even forget that Ryleigh was adopted because she fit into their lives so well. She cried it out and finally calmed down around fifteen minutes later. He rubbed her back as they slowly made their way inside. Brendon's eyes were puffy. Ryleigh was passed out in his lap. Pete gently lifted her and laid her on the couch before he placed a blanket over her small, sleeping form.

He pulled Brendon up and the taller man almost instantly fell into Pete's arms with a heartwrenching sob. Pete took Brendon to the kitchen where he knew they wouldn't disturb Ryleigh. Meagan was just pulling in the driveway and took the boys to the guest room before she returned and pulled Sarah into a hug. Meagan looked like she had been crying too. Pete was wondering how he could possibly bear this for everyone.

Meagan rubbed his back then continued to the kitchen where she began to pull things out to make dinner. Sarah was in no shape to do it. Pete just held Brendon tightly as he continued to cry. He stopped crying about fifteen minutes later.

"Go take a shower and put on something comfortable,"Pete said. Brendon looked longingly at his daughter and his wife who was sitting next to Ryleigh, playing with Ryleigh's hair as she slept. His eyes were puffy and red. He didn't want to leave them alone. "Go, they'll be fine. I'll take care of them,"Pete said with a gentle push in the direction of Brendon's bedroom.

Brendon reluctantly went. Sarah was staring at the muted TV now, tears silently falling. "Sarah, you should go shower. I'll take over here for now. Bren is in your room so I would go upstairs,"Pete said gently. Sarah nodded and stood. Pete was about to sit down as the door opened. Gerard, Tyler, and Josh piled in.

He turned around and went over. Tyler was crying and Josh was fighting tears as he comforted his best friend. Pete motioned for them to be quiet because Ryleigh was still asleep. Jenna came in a few seconds after them and made her way to the kitchen to help Meagan. Gerard informed them that Lindsey would be coming tomorrow because Bandit was asleep but that they would be there. Gerard nodded and went in the direction of the kitchen, intending to help.

"How are they holding up?"Josh asked concerned. Gerard peeked back at them. He knew they all were worried. "Not well, Sarah was crying outside when I got here and Ryleigh passed out from crying,"Pete whispered.

Ryleigh stirred on the couch. Tyler nodded and walked around. He sat down at her head as she woke. "Ty,"she whispered as the tears welled again. Tyler pulled her into his lap as she started to cry. Pete nodded at Josh to give them a moment and made their way to the kitchen. They decided to set the table as they talked about some sort of a game plan.

"This is total bullshit! How can she do this?"Gerard said softly and started pacing. "She's her mother, she can do whatever she wants apparently!"Josh said pissed off and ran a hand through his hair.

"No matter what we do, the court is going to be in favor of the biological maternal figure which means that we don't have a chance even if we fight this,"Pete said. Meagan put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He was seriously stressed. It was so wrong, the whole damn situation.

"It's hard to tell where her mother is going to ship her off to. If it's close to Jersey then I can get Frank to check up on her,"Gerard said, trying to form an idea or a sort of Plan B. They had informed everyone else of the situation. Everyone else was including Patrick, Joe, Andy, Dallon, Kenny, Mikey, Frank, Ray, Spencer and Dan. Gerard promised to update them but that they shouldn't all swarm the house at once because surely someone would get suspicious and it would be on the news.

Kenny had promised to text Zack. He was trying so hard to think of something to help. He could tell all the guys had the same idea. They heard Tyler mumbling to Ryleigh as the two talked for a minute. Pete heard the shower shut off downstairs and knew Brendon would be out in a minute. He doubted that any of them would eat very much but they had to try. With this news and the stress, he wasn't even that hungry. He knew they weren't okay and that he, himself, wasn't okay. Nothing about this situation was okay and he wanted it to stop for Brendon and Sarah's sake. That it would stop for Ryleigh and everyone who actually cared for her. 

A/N: Hey, guys! Thank you again for all your support. I appreciate every single one of you. Next chapter up soon. Much love!


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